Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] patches

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To: freeciv development list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] patches
From: Raimar Falke <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 10:45:48 +0200
Reply-to: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

For you and me I compiled a list of patches which aren't issued by a
maintainer (Sebastian and Thue will decide for them self when and what
to commit).

There is a status attached to each: 
 0: likely to be applied soon
 1 and 2: I like the idea and the patch
 1: only minor demurs
 2: there is a/are some objection(s) or I haven't took a deep look at
 3: there are design issues still open or major objections or I still
 have to be convinced that the performance will be improved
 ?: I don't know

 - autogame from Ross (0)

 - popcost by Arien (1)
 - slight optimisation at client/packhand.c from Markus (1)

 - White grid in isometric view by Martin (2)
 - other cleanup patches by Ross (2)
 - other directional cleanups by Jason (2)
 - Small improvement at genlist and maphand by Markus (2)

 - Sound by David (3)
 - tilecache by Kevin (3)
 - freeing NULL ptrs from Justin (3)
 - Password authentication from Auth (3)
 - different monetary units by Baumans (3)
 - sortlist by Justin (3)

 - watchtower by Bert(?)
 - GUI-specific options by Kevin (?)
 - Some little patches by Andreas (?)
 - scorelog patch(es) by Justin (?)
 - incorrect production with Hanging Gardens by Patrick (?)

Have I forgot some patch?

So do people see problems with (0)s and (1)s? What do people think
about (?)s?

 - extended units statistics

TODO (patches which I would like to see):
 - ffs
 - fast continent iteration (or at least an abstraction)
 - map_get_player_tile
 - pplayers_allied
 - any other patch which replaces ids with pointers
 - MAPSTEP as a separate patch

I hope to make patches to:
 - Introduction of turns
 - Write data if socket allows it
 - used tiles in overview
 - generic city refresh
 - gtk dialog changes
 - sprite stuff
 - auto connect


 email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 "There are three ways to get something done. Do it yourself, hire someone
  to do it for you or forbid your kids to do it."

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