Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] baseline without cvs

[Freeciv-Dev] baseline without cvs

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] baseline without cvs
From: "Jennifer Glover" <jglover@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 18:33:54 -0400

Is it possible for some kind soul to zip up the newest baseline for
me?  I haven't figured out cvs yet and wanted to fix up the Windows CE

I based the gui code off the win32 code that I got from Andreas, but I
think that there was a problem with it.  The bitmap behind the map DC
doesn't ever get created/loaded into the map DC.  I might have somehow
deleted that section or not understood what function to call to
initalize it.  After fixing that, I have some holes in the isometric
view, so that only half of the tile is displayed.  Not sure if I did
somethign wrong, but it may be that I have some old code and this
stuff has already been fixed.  Also possible is that I have completed
mucked up the code :)

If zipping up the code is too hard, could someone explain how to hook
up CVS on a windows machine?

For anyone interested in the windows CE port, there is now a map, an
overview, and you can even move around a little (no end turn button
yet)  For anyone that tried to download the zip I put up earlier, you
might want to redownload it.  I think the bitmaps that it was using
were corrupted.  Also, I put in some changes to get the map to show
and the overview is this nifty little collapsable floating toolbar.


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