Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] historical background on wonders

[Freeciv-Dev] historical background on wonders

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] historical background on wonders
From: Marcus Punjabi <marpun@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 16:18:15 +0200


Regarding Freeciv - the best free game for Linux. The Wonders that
players may build is of course a vital part of the game. However, it
would be very interesting and fun to read some backround history on
these different Wonders. If you have played Colonization you'll know
what I mean; in the Colonizepedia you could look up Forefathers (which
were equivalent to what Wonders are in Freeciv) and read the history of
those. A very interesting detail to the game.

If you are too busy or wouldn't want to waste manpower, I would be glad
to get the opportunity to help.  ;)  Give me a chance and you wont
regret it. I will write a short but consistant history about them all.

So my suggestion is to write a historical background on the different
Wonders (in the Help menu) - and I can do it personally.

/Marcus Punjabi

Time is an illusion; lunchtime, doubtly so.
 -- Ford Prefect

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