Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: suggestion / idea

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: suggestion / idea

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To: Tony Stuckey <stuckey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: suggestion / idea
From: Greg Wooledge <wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 19:23:50 -0500

Tony Stuckey (stuckey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

>       Unfortunately, I don't have a Civ1 manual on hand to check.  But I
> didn't think anything ignored City Walls in Civ1.

Civ1, p. 40: "Defenders are not tripled behind City Walls when attacked
by Artillery because the guns fire over the walls."

Civ1, p. 40: "Bombers ignore City Walls in the same manner as Artillery."

The manual doesn't give any special rules for Battleships; so I may have
been wrong about them.

> Battleships were simply
> big enough at 18 attack that a Veteran Battleship could kill anything, even
> given the triple City Wall defense.

That may be what I was thinking of... it's been a little while. :-)

> Civ2 manual, page 106:
> City Defenses
>       The City Walls improvement triples the defense strength of units
> within against all ground units except Howitzers, and it protects a city's
> population from reduction.

Ah... I missed the word "ground" in there. :-)

>       Combining the statements on pages 34, 56, and 106-107 strongly
> implies that City Walls in Civ2 do not affect naval shore bombardment.

My playing experience confirms that.

Greg Wooledge                    | "Truth belongs to everybody."
wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx             |   Red Hot Chili Peppers |

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