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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Goals

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Goals

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To: Anecdoter@xxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Goals
From: Tony Stuckey <stuckey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 11:34:10 -0600

On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 01:18:51AM -0500, Anecdoter@xxxxxxx wrote:
>     Global extinction - pollution and/or nuclear warefare has destroyed all 
> life on the entire planet.  Obviously, this is the worst possible ending.

        If no player has any units or cities  isn't too hard to check.
        However, currently pollution doesn't kill units or cities except in
very indirect ways.  And since it only halves production of polluted
squares, this would be a very long, slow starvation if it were even
        Nuclear weapons also only remove 1/2 the population of cities they
hit.  The current code doesn't destroy size 1 cities.  Ocean squares are
immune from pollution, as well.  So all existing cities would continue to
exist, and all coastal cities would flourish in general.

>     Economic victory - the civilization that controls over ninety percent of 
> the planet's GDP is declared the ruler of the planet.  This ending should 
> only be available after industrialization is discovered.   To achieve this 
> ending, a player would need to focus on developing his or her cities.

        I'm very sure that this is similar to the "kill everyone" victory.
>     1984 Ending -  Just like in George Orwell's book, the world is divided 
> into several super nations that are never able to achieve a victory against 
> one another.  With nuclear weapons armed and subs skimming through the ocean, 
> the final outcome of the game is three paranoid men hovering above red 
> buttons, waiting for the slightest provacation.   This ending would be the 
> trickiest to implement - my best guess would be that the following conditions 
> would be needed to be met:  the total number of nukes on the planet would be 
> enough to cause a global extinction ending; no cities could be invaded for 
> the past fifty or one hundred turns.  

        That'll almost never happen.

>     Scientific challenges - An asteroid is about to hit the planet, or the 
> core is about to explode.  The civilizations must use their tech points to 
> research a solution.  If they fail, game over.   This ending should only be 
> possible very late in the game, when the civs are advanced enough to cope 
> with it.  This is very similar to the "stars going supernova" aspect of the 
> original Master of Orion.

        It doesn't fit thematically.  Asteroids might, but novas don't.

>     Global Peace - The game ends in perfect harmony.  This could only be 
> achieved if there are no conflicts for five hundred consecutive turns.

        Most games don't last 500 turns.  Do the math.  You'd have to make
this much closer to 50 or 100 turns.  This has promise, though.  You'd have
to have at least another requirement, though to make sure that large maps
with only 3 civs actually had time to contact each other before the peace
was invoked.
        575 turns is the "standard" game length as currently coded.  If
someone researches space technology early enough, that could extend this.

>     Revolution -  Distraught and bitter at their treatment, citizens around 
> the globe rise up against all the established power to form a new world 
> order.   This would happen if every civ had an extremely low happiness/morale 
> rating.

        This could be worked into Civil War.  We already have code to add a
new Civilization/leader.  You don't describe what would be a low happiness
rating, given that you still have to maintain relatively happy people to
prevent Civil Disorder as it is.

>     Barbarian Horde - weakened by disasters and/or war, the players are faced 
> with a raging horde of heavily armed barbarians.  This ending should only be 
> possible after the following conditions have been met:  1). after year 1500 
> 2.)major disaster or conflicts for fifty consecutive turns 3.)25% of map is 
> uninhabited.

        Barbarian assault level is chosen at the start of the game.  We
should respect that.
Anthony J. Stuckey                              stuckey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"And they said work hard, and die suddenly, because it's fun."
        -Robyn Hitchcock.

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