Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Goals

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Goals

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Goals
From: Anecdoter@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 01:18:51 EST

    I defintly think that there should be a variety of different possible 
endings.  While global domination may, at first, seem to be the key to the 
most exciting games, other goals could make games more 
challenging/interesting.  Here are my suggestions for possible endings - this 
list also assumes that global domination and interplanetary travel are both 
possible endings.
    Global extinction - pollution and/or nuclear warefare has destroyed all 
life on the entire planet.  Obviously, this is the worst possible ending.
    Scientific challenges - An asteroid is about to hit the planet, or the 
core is about to explode.  The civilizations must use their tech points to 
research a solution.  If they fail, game over.   This ending should only be 
possible very late in the game, when the civs are advanced enough to cope 
with it.  This is very similar to the "stars going supernova" aspect of the 
original Master of Orion.
    Economic victory - the civilization that controls over ninety percent of 
the planet's GDP is declared the ruler of the planet.  This ending should 
only be available after industrialization is discovered.   To achieve this 
ending, a player would need to focus on developing his or her cities.  
    1984 Ending -  Just like in George Orwell's book, the world is divided 
into several super nations that are never able to achieve a victory against 
one another.  With nuclear weapons armed and subs skimming through the ocean, 
the final outcome of the game is three paranoid men hovering above red 
buttons, waiting for the slightest provacation.   This ending would be the 
trickiest to implement - my best guess would be that the following conditions 
would be needed to be met:  the total number of nukes on the planet would be 
enough to cause a global extinction ending; no cities could be invaded for 
the past fifty or one hundred turns.  
    Global Peace - The game ends in perfect harmony.  This could only be 
achieved if there are no conflicts for five hundred consecutive turns.
    Revolution -  Distraught and bitter at their treatment, citizens around 
the globe rise up against all the established power to form a new world 
order.   This would happen if every civ had an extremely low happiness/morale 
    Barbarian Horde - weakened by disasters and/or war, the players are faced 
with a raging horde of heavily armed barbarians.  This ending should only be 
possible after the following conditions have been met:  1). after year 1500 
2.)major disaster or conflicts for fifty consecutive turns 3.)25% of map is 

Just some thoughts, tell me what you think,

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