Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Races ruleset - patch

[Freeciv-Dev] Races ruleset - patch

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To: David Pfitzner <dwp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Races ruleset - patch
From: Jerzy Klek <qpkjeek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 18:05:40 +0200 (MET DST)


This my approach to have races ruleset file which specifies
race names, leader name, some AI hints and city names.
The patch is against CVS from 21 August. It actually benefits
a bit from government rulesets (init_race_goals() function).
This is my first patch so please excuse any problems...


The races.ruleset file contains what is needed to fill struct
player race, default race leader names and cities. It is
almost a copy of what wasinitialized in city.c and player.c.
The rest is like any other rulesets: load and send to the client.
I also had to update a bit selecting races, because rulesets
were sent after that, so some information (races names and leaders)
have to be sent in 'select race' request.
There can still be only 14 races, but you can replace the existing 
ones with whatever you like.
I have changed the russian city names, now there are only cities
from Russia, no cities from former Soviet Union, that are now 
in independent states like Ukraine.

Short description of what needs more work:

1. It does not send flags, and I need someone to help
with it, because I do not have X-Window programming experience.
Should server load flags.xpm as text and send it to the client?

2. "Select Races" window for Xaw client looks somewhat ugly,
anyone can fix it?

3. I haven't tested Gtk, but from code I guess it does not need changes.

4. I provide only one default races.ruleset file, but if this thing
is accepted, I can produce one for Civ1 and also a couple of new
races to choose.

5. It might be good to specify default leader's sex in races.ruleset. 
(I can do it, so generate_ai_players can take use of it, though it
in case of random race choice we can have John being female if
someone chooses to be Elisabeth but rule something else than English).


Attachment: races_diff.gz
Description: races_diff.gz

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