Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Extension language for AI

[Freeciv-Dev] Extension language for AI

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Extension language for AI
From: falk.hueffner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Falk Hueffner)
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 01:51:37 GMT

On Sat, 2 Jan 1999 16:39:09 -0500 (EST), W Stockwell
<waldo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> Reinier Post wrote:
>> > 
>> > In my opinion, the 'best' way to implement AI is my creating a programming
>> > interface to the client;
>It would be possible to embed an interpreted language, such as perl or
>python(I would prefer python) into such an AI client to allow a person to
>implement their own strategies. Then it mght turn into a game of
>developing an intelligent AI to compete against other AIs created by other
>players and players themselves.  I don't see why it woudln't be possible
>to make a client with this feature built in.  I think it would be a great
>idea and I would definately be interested in work on it.

I have written the start of a client AI, and I am exactly at the point
where I'm considering to use an extension language.

The code I have till now is written in C++, simply because it's fast
and supports object-orientation and I know it well.

But for flexible code, changable at runtime, it is not really well
suited. So I considered Python, because it is also OO and would
probably fit well into the existing code.

I guess I'll first start with some C++ code to get started quicker ;)

Falk Hueffner  <falk.hueffner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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