Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 1998:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Civil War

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Civil War

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, kris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Civil War
From: Kris Bubendorfer <Kris.Bubendorfer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 15:01:37 +1300

Well, I have the civil war stuff all coded in and it seems to mostly be 
working fine - you guys will be able to test it out on Monday.

First a problem.  Sometimes the rebel cities are not updated in all client 
(players) maps.  I can't see why this would be, I add them to the cache and 
call send_city_info for each new rebel city to all players.

Also a less serious concern is when the new rebel player is added it takes a 
whole turn to propagate through the changes - I call send_player_info, but 
this does not update in the client immediately.

Any ideas?  It's 99% fine so these little problem irk me.

Ok, now onto POLICY issues.  As with the spy stuff, all units outside cites are 
lost during the breaking up of an empire.  However this could be a large 
portion of a players strength, and while I was reasonably happy with this when 
it was just one city being incited, it seems less plausable in this situation.

The good thing about this is that I don't have to deal with potentially 
ambigious ownership of unit stacks.  How do people feel about this?  Any 
suggestions on how to resolve the ownership problems?  This seems similar to 
the problem faced when alliances were broken in Falk and Pauls? stuff - but I 
don't remember being pleased with any of the suggestions. 

My current idea is simply to go with a simple majority, or if even trow a dice 
or go by fp*hp or some other metric.  

This is a harder programming problem so I'm quite happy if you all decide to be 
happy with losing units.


Cheers Kris...

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