Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: December 1998:
Re: [aclug-L] Cable Modems

Re: [aclug-L] Cable Modems

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To: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [aclug-L] Cable Modems
From: Todd_Lundstedt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:08:45 -0600
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

The advertisments on MMC's website indicates there are 177 "clusters"
serving Wichita, and information sent to one cluster will not affect
information on another cluster.  Cluster=Collision Domain?  Anyway... 177
clusters at 300,000 (Wichita population) is ~1700 per cluster.  That will
obviously vary based on population density and (as bobd said) who is
subscribing and using at the same time.  However, unless 5 people in the
same cluster are downloading 1GB files at the same time, I don't think you
will notice any slowdowns until (as bobd said) the cluster gets full and
everyone is on doing something... generally 5-11 pm.  Time will tell.
And bobd makes a good point... I simply assumed that the upload side was
going to be the same as the download side... but no mention was made of
this at the site... hmmm

T1 = ~ 1.544Mbs

Todd_Lundstedt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> This sounds like a good idea, but why should they care how much bandwidth
> particular "house" is using (man, I will probably get slammed for that
> statement)?.  Anyway... the info at indicates
> cable modem speeds of (upto) 42Mbs, however, it connects to your PC (hub,
> Linux router/IPFirewall/whatever) via 10BaseT so the most one house could
> use is 10Mbs... unless the house has several cable modems.  If you get
> several cable modems, I am sure that MMC will be able to tell this by the
> MAC address (or whatever equivalent a cable modem uses).
> Comments?  (please be gentle).
If you use the full 10BT link, you are really flying!  That's better
than a T1 I think...
Upon close reading of the advertisments... You get to share the 42Mbs
with everybody on your segment, so as they get more and more subscribers
online, the available bandwidth will drop accordingly.  So just 5 folks
running at 10Mbs will swamp the carrier you are assinged.  They are a
bit cryptic on the language, but I'm not sure what the up load side
would be, it seems to be the full 10BT.
It remains to be seen what your actual bandwidth rates will be because
they will depend upon how many other folks are online at the same time
and what they are doing.  Initially, I'll bet they will be great, but as
more and more folks get added, things will go down hill while they
struggle to keep the infastructure built up to handle the load.  But
like all ISP's they will be a bit behind during peak usage because of
the shoe string budgets they are forced to live on.  That ftp download
will likely be well below the full 80% of 10BT theory...  Unless it's 3
A.M. and your neighbors are all alseep....Just think what it would be
like if everybody in Wichita shared 4 10BT connections.  We would give a
new meaning to WWW... Wichita - Wide - Wait....
Somebody call Multimedia and offer them a "linux" version of support,
where we do the installs and technical support for a reduced install
price, and 10% off their normal rate.  ACLUG could then offer it's
members a cheaper rate on high speed access for providing the technical
support for Linux.
-= Bob =-
-= bob =-
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