Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: July 2003:
Re: Thoughts on the future direction of OfflineIMAP

Re: Thoughts on the future direction of OfflineIMAP

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To: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Thoughts on the future direction of OfflineIMAP
From: Jean-Michel Hiver <jhiver@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 15:21:09 +0100

> The other plus we get is somewhat easier installation on some platforms
> (MacOS X -- just double-click on the jar).

On the other hand it would be a pain in Linux.

-1 for that.

> All the work reimplementing things, especially GUIs.

Personally I really don't see the point of having a GUI for a tool such
as offlineIMAP. Command-line is good enough IMHO. You can always build a
GUI on top of a command line tool separately for clic-o-maniacs.

> I have considered other programming languages too.  The only other real
> contender is Perl, and Perl is just totally unsuited to an application of
> this size and complexity IMHO


> and its lack of exception handling is enough
> to make me rule it out.

Urban myth. CPAN '' module does the job rather nicely. Plus you
get loads of mail processing modules on CPAN. I'm not sure about Perl's
ithreads though, as I never used them.

> Same goes for C.  That leaves C++, which is a bear to work right on
> multiple platforms, and not really a language that lends itself to
> rapid development.

Agreed :)

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Jean-Michel Hiver
jhiver@xxxxxxxxx  - +44 (0)114 255 8097

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