Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: August 2002:
[linux-help] Re: Dual processors

[linux-help] Re: Dual processors

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To: <linux-help@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Dual processors
From: "gLaNDix (Jesse Kaufman)" <glandix@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 23:14:08 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

> Linux and Gimp has been used recently in movies like Shrek & the
> animation with the horses, I don't remember the name.  They used linux
> for the backend servers and gimp for some of the rendering and animation
> and it helped them save a lot of money.  They discovered that linux is
> more efficient at managing memory that NT based OS.

actually, from what i've read, SGI has been (until recently) the OS of
choice for companies such as Pixar and Disney...  the sgi boxes are slowly
getting replaced by much cheaper linux boxes and software ported from sgi...
i've read something about a "gimp-like program" that is often used for video
editing and what-not...  unfortunately, it sounds like it's closed-source
and not readily available to the public (this was from an interview w/
someone from Pixar)...

> There are still
> some graphics processes that gimp can't do that photoshop does, so they
> still use photoshop for some things.  Atleast thats what I remember from
> the article from Disney.  I don't remember if I still have the link or
> not to the article.  Atleast linux had a very favorable review.

yah, there are some things with color swatches or something that require a
royalty to use...  they are in photoshop, but unfortunately not in gimp
(which has, from what i've read, been a major reason why a lot of graphics
workshops still use photoshop instead of a cheaper alternative... along w/
the re-training issue)...


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