Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: November 2001:
[linux-help] Re: linux desktop

[linux-help] Re: linux desktop

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: linux desktop
From: james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 00:00:49 -0600 (CST)
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

> Try mplayer.
> Command line instructions, but it claims to be able to play VCD (I just don't 
> have one, so I can't test it). 
> Other than that, it plays mpegs(tested), divx(untested), avi files (tested) 
> (using avifile, and win32 codecs) and it is low on the proc usage. (On the 
> same machine, playing one movie (avi) seriously uses the processor, but we 
> had 2 mpegs, and 2 avis playing at the same time, and (aside from the smb ser 
> we were pulling the files off of locking up for a few seconds at times) no 
> framedrops, using the win32 codecs for the avis, which should be the same 
> under both operating systems. 
> The latest has support for xanim plugins so it should be able to play qt, but 
> they warn that you must look at the licence to check to see if it is legal to 
> play them using mplayer, and that certain ones may be illegal to use, more 
> later when I look at it again.

One thing I forgot: no binaries 
if using redhat 7.x do this after downloading (MPlayer-0.50.tar.bz2,
become root and go to where you downloaded them
        mkdir /usr/lib/win32
        mv /usr/lib/win32
        cd /usr/lib/win32
go back to the download's directory  
        tar -xjvf MPlayer-0.50.tar.bz2 (-xIvf if tar complains)
        cd MPlayer-0.50
        ./configure --disable-gcc-checking 
when it asks for the keyword type
        gcc 2.96 is broken
then the usual 
        make install

james l
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