Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: November 2001:
[linux-help] Re: linux desktop

[linux-help] Re: linux desktop

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: linux desktop
From: james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 23:10:50 -0600 (CST)
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

> I think VCD's are mpegs. If so then you can try xanim or for $10 there
> is a commercial player, mtv.
> If there avi's or divx xanim may work, but there was an alpha divx
> player out there on Slashdot a few months ago, look around
Try mplayer.
Command line instructions, but it claims to be able to play VCD (I just don't 
have one, so I can't test it). 
Other than that, it plays mpegs(tested), divx(untested), avi files (tested) 
(using avifile, and win32 codecs) and it is low on the proc usage. (On the same 
machine, playing one movie (avi) seriously uses the processor, but we had 2 
mpegs, and 2 avis playing at the same time, and (aside from the smb ser we were 
pulling the files off of locking up for a few seconds at times) no framedrops, 
using the win32 codecs for the avis, which should be the same under both 
operating systems. 
The latest has support for xanim plugins so it should be able to play qt, but 
they warn that you must look at the licence to check to see if it is legal to 
play them using mplayer, and that certain ones may be illegal to use, more 
later when I look at it again.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: linux-help-bounce@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:linux-help-bounce@xxxxxxxxx]
> On Behalf Of adithya
> Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 8:21 PM
> To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [linux-help] Re: linux desktop
> Hi ,
> first  thanks for responding.
> Ya my prob is that I have is what can i use to watch VCD's tell me pls
> thanks
> Sudharsha
> On Sat, 03 Nov 2001, you wrote:
> > I have Xwindows installed on some of my servers and use the desktop
> > applications.  I am getting to where I prefer the linux apps and
> > games to the M$ pgms.  I am saving money now by not buying M$ apps
> > and games.  I have 5 linux computers and 1 M$ Win98se computer.  I
> > still use M$ to watch DVD movies and burn cd's.  I am still not
> > very comfortable with Xcd-roast.

I have a question, with windows cd buring software, and windows 2000 advanced 
The same 8x8(4?)x32? burner drive (there were 2 of the same type bought) is in 
a win98/rh 7.1(p2) machine, and will only burn at 4x under windows, either in 
the win98 machine, or in the w2kas machine(k7), but under linux it burns fine 
at 8x under xcdroast. (Amazed the person that we could be burning a cd, 
downloading so6 at ~1 Mb, and doing a couple of other things, and the cd still 
burned fine, all on a P2)
W2kas will be replaced, but until then, is there anything we can do with the 
adaptec software?

> > 
> > Do you have any specific questions about any apps or the desktop
> > environment?  ~Ironrose
> > 
> > adithya wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi
> > > How many of you guys are useing linux as your desktopsystem
> > > instead of windows.
> > > I have recently switched to linux as my home PC OS
> > > though I have been using linux for my servers
> > > I have some things to get sourted out so if some one
> > > is very comfortable with linux as his or her as their desktop OS
> > > pls repply this msg.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Sudharsha.
> > > --

I would be using linux on the desktop, and it does everything I want it to. 
Including work with hardware that 'requires' windows, but will not work with 
windows (an IDE-CD RW, printer, a video card, and several other things) even 
with all the proper windows drivers. 

James L

> > > Sudharsha Adithya Wijesinghe.
> > > Customer relationship officer.
> > > Datamini Lanka (PTE) Ltd.
> > >

Side comment:Could be interpreted 1984esc.

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