[linux-help] Re: sendmail questions
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> > Question 1: Do I need sendmail if I use Netscape for email?
> I would venture not, unless you are running your own mail server,
> based on your address you are not.
> Try this: (as root) "/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop", then try to
> send/recieve your mail. If that works, you aren't using sendmail to
> send your mail. Assuming that is the case (which is very likely) you
> can either hand move the link, or use redhat's 'setup' program (my
> personal choice for toggling on/off of daemons).
I would hesitate to completely shut off mail, as some programs expect to be able
to send error messages to 'root'.
> btw, anyone know where sendmail logs? it doesn't appear to be in /var/log/
On my Debian box, it's /var/log/mail.err, mail.info, mail.log and mail.warn.
Dale W Hodge - dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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- [linux-help] Re: linux desktop, james, 2001/11/03
- [linux-help] sendmail questions, Bruce Bales, 2001/11/04
- [linux-help] Re: sendmail questions, Abdul Basit, 2001/11/04
- [linux-help] Re: sendmail questions, james, 2001/11/04
- [linux-help] Re: sendmail questions, Bruce Bales, 2001/11/04
- [linux-help] Re: sendmail questions,
Dale W Hodge <=
[linux-help] Re: linux desktop, Greg House, 2001/11/04
- [linux-help] Re: linux desktop, Ironrose, 2001/11/05
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