[Freeciv] Thank you all. (about: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCi
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Thanks to all who answered, all are appreaciated!
Yes, I've asked my friend about the large engels, but it takes an effort for
him to adapt to that one as well (it is not that the microprose graphic is
more clear, it is just a clear one -colorwise- but also part of the story is
that it is already known, pixel by pixel, so it takes a smaller effort for
him. I cite).
Mike Kaufman: the idea of re-using legally obtained CIV2 files
is a very good one. Searching for civ2gfx (with google) I found the
original script from Lino Mastrodomenico. Unfortunately, it requires
to run on Unix which I don't have. Apparently, the script uses the
Microprose .gif's
to build a tileset that freeciv can understand. I attach the scripts if it
may be useful
to anyone. Also, I copy his original message at the end of this mail, plus
another related one
(where it is decribed how to modify the resulting tileset to make it fit
with the new freeciv specifications).
Cronos: as I told you already, really thanks for your offer, and keep the
good job up, it looks like a promising idea!
-- Original message by Lino Mastrodomenico --
The Voice Inside Your Head wrote:
> [...]
> Another idea (if it were possible, i'm not sure) would be to supply a
> script with freeciv that could copy and convert the civ2 tileset for use
> with freeciv. This would be useful for us civ2 fanatics who have converted
> to linux. The hires tiles just do not appeal to me.
I have attached a rough script that do this.
You must copy these files:
cities.gif, icons.gif, terrain1.gif, terrain2.gif, and units.gif
from the original civ2 cdrom to the freeciv "data" directory and run the
script from _this_ directory.
Then simply start the client with "-t civ2gfx".
Warning: it requires gifsicle (<http://www.lcdf.org/gifsicle>), and giftopnm
& ppmtoxpm (usually they are in the libgr-progs or netpbm-progs
Lino Mastrodomenico
-mail: l.mastrodomenico@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-- Another useful message on the same message --
On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 10:33:29PM +0100, mike_ml@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi,
> I am normally playing the civ2gfx-tileset created from the original civ2
> datafiles using the script provided by Lino Mastrodomenico using the
> method described in
> http://arch.freeciv.org/freeciv-dev-200103/msg00245.html
> However, using the current cvs-version (on linux, i386), the client
> breaks on startup giving me the message:
> "./civ -t civ2gfx
> civclient: tilespec.c:489: tilespec_lookup_sprite_tags: Zusicherung
> »sprites.road.dir[i] != ((void *)0)« nicht erfüllt.
> Abgebrochen"
> (for all non-germans: "Assertion xxx not met. Cancelled." or something
> like that :) )
> This is my first try on the cvs-version, so I dont know for how long
> this has been broken.
> Since all other tilesets are working for me and civ2gfx is not exactly
> an "officially supported" part of freeciv I have not filed a bug-report,
> but I would still appreciate any hints given on fixing this problem...
Change which caused this:
date: 2001/09/14 07:35:09; author: rfalke; state: Exp; lines: +18 -19
Remove DIR_D[XY]2 and it's only user. The road and rail sprites in
isometric tilesets are now indexed by symbolic names in the
specfile. In the code the array is now indexed by DIR_D[XY].
Solution: perform changes like this on the spec file:
Index: terrain1.spec
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/data/hires/terrain1.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- terrain1.spec 2001/04/17 22:01:40 1.3
+++ terrain1.spec 2001/09/14 07:35:09 1.4
@@ -89,26 +89,25 @@
10, 3, "ts.whales"
10, 5, "ts.horses"
+ 11, 1, "r.road_n"
+ 11, 2, "r.road_ne"
+ 11, 3, "r.road_e"
+ 11, 4, "r.road_se"
+ 11, 5, "r.road_s"
+ 11, 6, "r.road_sw"
+ 11, 7, "r.road_w"
+ 11, 8, "r.road_nw"
-;roads - we follow the the numbering of the DIR_D[XY] arrays
- 11, 1, "r.road0"
- 11, 2, "r.road1"
- 11, 3, "r.road2"
- 11, 4, "r.road3"
- 11, 5, "r.road4"
- 11, 6, "r.road5"
- 11, 7, "r.road6"
- 11, 8, "r.road7"
-;rails - we follow the the numbering of the DIR_D[XY] arrays
- 12, 1, "r.rail0"
- 12, 2, "r.rail1"
- 12, 3, "r.rail2"
- 12, 4, "r.rail3"
- 12, 5, "r.rail4"
- 12, 6, "r.rail5"
- 12, 7, "r.rail6"
- 12, 8, "r.rail7"
+ 12, 1, "r.rail_n"
+ 12, 2, "r.rail_ne"
+ 12, 3, "r.rail_e"
+ 12, 4, "r.rail_se"
+ 12, 5, "r.rail_s"
+ 12, 6, "r.rail_sw"
+ 12, 7, "r.rail_w"
+ 12, 8, "r.rail_nw"
4, 7, "tx.farmland"
email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Like the ad says, at 300 dpi you can tell she's wearing a
swimsuit. At 600 dpi you can tell it's wet. At 1200 dpi you
can tell it's painted on. I suppose at 2400 dpi you can tell
if the paint is giving her a rash."
-- Joshua R. Poulson
-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- File: bin00014.bin
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, (continued)
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Bobby D. Bryant, 2002/04/12
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Mark Metson, 2002/04/12
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Cameron Morland, 2002/04/12
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Bobby D. Bryant, 2002/04/12
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Tony Stuckey, 2002/04/12
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Christian Knoke, 2002/04/12
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Cameron Morland, 2002/04/13
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Christian Knoke, 2002/04/13
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Bobby D. Bryant, 2002/04/13
- [Freeciv] Re: Odp: Re: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv, Reinier Post, 2002/04/13
- [Freeciv] Thank you all. (about: question: CivII like tileset for FreeCiv),
Marco Tarini <=
- [Freeciv] New CivII-like tileset ready!, Marco Tarini, 2002/04/17
- [Freeciv] Re: ehm.. oops, Marco Tarini, 2002/04/17
- [Freeciv] Re: New CivII-like tileset ready!, Raimar Falke, 2002/04/17
- [Freeciv] Re: New CivII-like tileset ready!, Christian Knoke, 2002/04/18
- [Freeciv] New CivII-like tileset ready!, Marco Tarini, 2002/04/18