Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3489) Patch to add new generator

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3489) Patch to add new generator

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3489) Patch to add new generator
From: "jjc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <jjc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 08:06:15 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Current version has no new code, but has a new comment to help any 
reviewers or future maintainers understand and or modify the code.  

This is the comment that was added:

Overview of how Generator 6 works:

Basically, the goal of the below enumeration and much of the code is
to make land that is reasonably interesting, but can be constrained to
have certain aspects that are carefully chosen.

T6_PERM_LAND is land that is forced to be land and will not be changed by 
any transformations.
T6_PERM_OCEAN is land that is forced to be ocean and will not be changed by 
any transformations. 
T6_TEMP_LAND is currently land, but may be changed by later transformations.
T6_TEMP_OCEAN is currently ocean, but may be change by later transformations.

The first step is to build up all the perm land and perm ocean.  This is 
done in the functions create_peninsula and mapgenerator6.  These create the
basic peninsula structure and create permanent ocean seperating each 
peninsula.  mapgenerator6 also creates the polar land and the connecting 
isthmus out of permanent land (note that none of the transforms touch 
the polar land so it is actually made out of what it will finally be).

The second step is to add in randomness.  Basically this step first of 
all creates quite a few seed islands randomly about the map in places with
T6_TEMP_OCEAN.  Then, it uses random_new_land to place new land around the 
map.  random_new_land is biased to place new land next to old land.   

The third step is to make the map's coastlines more smooth.  This is 
accomplished by applying a dilate_map, two erode_map and another dilate_map.
The dilate/erode is sometimes called an closing and the erode/dilate is
sometimes called a opening.  

The dilate basically increases every beach by one tile.  I.e. if 
old land is # and new land is + then the effect will be to add the new land:

The erode basically decreases every beach by one tile.  I.e. The # land 
will stay, but the - land will be 'eroded' away:


So a dilate followed by an erode will result in the change of eliminating 
the center ocean.  In the map generator, the dilate/erode will remove small
oceans and small bays, and the erode/dilate will remove small islands.

The last step is to relace all temp land with T_GRASSLAND and all 
temp ocean with T_OCEAN and then let the standard map creation functions 
create mountains, deserts etc.


Josh Cogliati

Index: common/map.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/common/map.h,v
retrieving revision 1.152
diff -U9 -r1.152 map.h
--- common/map.h        2003/09/11 11:30:42     1.152
+++ common/map.h        2003/09/14 14:59:36
@@ -671,19 +671,19 @@
 #define MAP_MIN_RIVERS           0
 #define MAP_MAX_RIVERS           100
 #define MAP_DEFAULT_FORESTS      20
 #define MAP_MIN_FORESTS          0
 #define MAP_MAX_FORESTS          100
 #define MAP_MIN_GENERATOR        1
-#define MAP_MAX_GENERATOR        5
+#define MAP_MAX_GENERATOR        6
 #define MAP_MAX_TINYISLES        TRUE
Index: server/mapgen.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/mapgen.c,v
retrieving revision 1.116
diff -U9 -r1.116 mapgen.c
--- server/mapgen.c     2003/09/11 12:09:46     1.116
+++ server/mapgen.c     2003/09/14 14:59:59
@@ -37,18 +37,19 @@
 #define rmap(x, y) (river_map[map_pos_to_index(x, y)])
 static void make_huts(int number);
 static void add_specials(int prob);
 static void mapgenerator1(void);
 static void mapgenerator2(void);
 static void mapgenerator3(void);
 static void mapgenerator4(void);
 static void mapgenerator5(void);
+static void mapgenerator6(void);
 static void smooth_map(void);
 static void adjust_map(int minval);
 static void adjust_terrain_param(void);
 #define RIVERS_MAXTRIES 32767
 enum river_map_type {RS_BLOCKED = 0, RS_RIVER = 1};
 /* Array needed to mark tiles as blocked to prevent a river from
    falling into itself, and for storing rivers temporarly.
@@ -1160,18 +1161,20 @@
   /* don't generate tiles with mapgen==0 as we've loaded them from file */
   /* also, don't delete (the handcrafted!) tiny islands in a scenario */
   if (map.generator != 0) {
     /* if one mapgenerator fails, it will choose another mapgenerator */
     /* with a lower number to try again */
+    if (map.generator == 6 )
+      mapgenerator6();
     if (map.generator == 5 )
     if (map.generator == 4 )
     if (map.generator == 3 )
     if( map.generator == 2 )
     if( map.generator == 1 )
@@ -2116,10 +2119,531 @@
     if (hmap(x, y) < minval)
       minval = hmap(x, y);
   } whole_map_iterate_end;
   maxval -= minval;
   height_map = NULL;
+Overview of how Generator 6 works:
+Basically, the goal of the below enumeration and much of the code is
+to make land that is reasonably interesting, but can be constrained to
+have certain aspects that are carefully chosen.
+T6_PERM_LAND is land that is forced to be land and will not be changed by 
+any transformations.
+T6_PERM_OCEAN is land that is forced to be ocean and will not be changed by 
+any transformations. 
+T6_TEMP_LAND is currently land, but may be changed by later transformations.
+T6_TEMP_OCEAN is currently ocean, but may be change by later transformations.
+The first step is to build up all the perm land and perm ocean.  This is 
+done in the functions create_peninsula and mapgenerator6.  These create the
+basic peninsula structure and create permanent ocean seperating each 
+peninsula.  mapgenerator6 also creates the polar land and the connecting 
+isthmus out of permanent land (note that none of the transforms touch 
+the polar land so it is actually made out of what it will finally be).
+The second step is to add in randomness.  Basically this step first of 
+all creates quite a few seed islands randomly about the map in places with
+T6_TEMP_OCEAN.  Then, it uses random_new_land to place new land around the 
+map.  random_new_land is biased to place new land next to old land.   
+The third step is to make the map's coastlines more smooth.  This is 
+accomplished by applying a dilate_map, two erode_map and another dilate_map.
+The dilate/erode is sometimes called an closing and the erode/dilate is
+sometimes called a opening.  
+The dilate basically increases every beach by one tile.  I.e. if 
+old land is # and new land is + then the effect will be to add the new land:
+   ++
+  +##+
+  +#+#+
+ +#####+
+  ++#++
+    +
+The erode basically decreases every beach by one tile.  I.e. The # land 
+will stay, but the - land will be 'eroded' away:
+   --
+  -##-
+  -###-
+ -#####-
+  --#--
+    -
+So a dilate followed by an erode will result in the change of eliminating 
+the center ocean.  In the map generator, the dilate/erode will remove small
+oceans and small bays, and the erode/dilate will remove small islands.
+The last step is to relace all temp land with T_GRASSLAND and all 
+temp ocean with T_OCEAN and then let the standard map creation functions 
+create mountains, deserts etc.
+enum gen6_terrain { T6_PERM_LAND = T_GRASSLAND, T6_TEMP_LAND = T_SWAMP, 
+                   T6_PERM_OCEAN = T_OCEAN, T6_TEMP_OCEAN = T_ARCTIC, 
+                   T6_ERODE_LAND = T_DESERT, T6_DILATE_LAND = T_JUNGLE};
+ returns true if the terrain is generator 6 ocean. 
+static int g6_ocean(int terrain) 
+  return terrain == T6_PERM_OCEAN || terrain == T6_TEMP_OCEAN;
+ returns true if the terrain at point x,y is land. 
+static int land_terrain(int x, int y)
+  int terrain = map_get_terrain(x, y);
+  return !g6_ocean(terrain);
+ returns true if a neighboring point should be eroded. 
+static int erode_terrain(int x, int y)
+  int terrain = map_get_terrain(x, y);
+  return g6_ocean(terrain);
+ returns true if the terrain at point x,y should be eroded.  
+static int should_erode(int x, int y)
+  int terrain = map_get_terrain(x, y);
+  if(g6_ocean(terrain) || terrain == T6_PERM_LAND) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  if (erode_terrain(x - 1, y) 
+      || erode_terrain(x + 1, y)
+      || erode_terrain(x, y - 1)
+      || erode_terrain(x, y + 1)) {
+    return TRUE;
+  } else {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+ removes all temporary shores.      (I.e. shrink the land by one tile.)
+static void erode_map(int polar_height) 
+  int x, y;
+  for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    for (y = polar_height; y < map.ysize - polar_height; y++) {
+      if (should_erode(x, y)) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_ERODE_LAND);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    for (y = polar_height; y < map.ysize - polar_height; y++) {
+      if (map_get_terrain(x, y) == T6_ERODE_LAND) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_TEMP_OCEAN);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ returns true if a neighboring point should be dilated. 
+static int dilate_terrain(int x, int y)
+  int terrain = map_get_terrain(x, y);
+  return !g6_ocean(terrain) && terrain != T6_DILATE_LAND;
+ returns true if the terrain at point x,y should be dilated.  
+static int should_dilate(int x, int y)
+  int terrain = map_get_terrain(x, y);
+  if(!g6_ocean(terrain) || terrain == T6_PERM_OCEAN) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  if (dilate_terrain(x - 1, y) 
+      || dilate_terrain(x + 1, y)
+      || dilate_terrain(x, y - 1)
+      || dilate_terrain(x, y + 1)) {
+    return TRUE;
+  } else {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+ removes all temporary beaches.   (I.e. shrink the ocean by one tile.) 
+static void dilate_map(int polar_height) 
+  int x, y;
+  for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    for (y = polar_height; y < map.ysize - polar_height; y++) {
+      if (should_dilate(x, y)) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_DILATE_LAND);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    for (y = polar_height; y < map.ysize - polar_height; y++) {
+      if (map_get_terrain(x, y) == T6_DILATE_LAND) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_TEMP_LAND);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ returns a score based on the amount of land surrounding the point x,y. 
+ No land is 0.  All eight neighbors is 12
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static int border_score(int x, int y)
+  int adj_score = 2;
+  int diag_score = 1;
+  int score = 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x - 1, y) ? adj_score : 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x + 1, y) ? adj_score : 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x, y - 1) ? adj_score : 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x, y + 1) ? adj_score : 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x - 1, y - 1) ? diag_score : 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x + 1, y - 1) ? diag_score : 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x - 1, y + 1) ? diag_score : 0;
+  score += land_terrain(x + 1, y + 1) ? diag_score : 0;
+  return score;
+enum terrain_status { TS_OCEAN, TS_LAND, TS_NEW_LAND};
+  Returns TS_NEW_LAND if the point is not already land and 
+  the random number is less than the border score.
+  More likely to return TS_NEW_LAND on a location that has
+  more land around it.  Will never return TS_NEW_LAND on a
+  location that has no land in any of the eight neighbors.
+ *************************************************************************/
+static int random_new_land(int x, int y)
+  int score;
+  int random;
+  if (land_terrain(x, y)) {
+    return TS_LAND;
+  }
+  if (map_get_terrain(x, y) == T6_PERM_OCEAN) {
+    return TS_OCEAN;
+  }
+  score = border_score(x, y);
+  random = myrand(4 * 2 + 4 * 1);
+  return random + 1 > score ? TS_OCEAN : TS_NEW_LAND;
+ Creates a peninsula and put the player's starting position
+ on it. The direction is either +1 or -1 depending on which 
+ direction the peninsula should go from the y position.
+ The remaining_count is the number of tiles to  fill with 
+ land.
+ *************************************************************************/
+static void create_peninsula(int x, int y, int player_number,
+                            int width, int height, int direction,
+                            int neck_height,int neck_width,
+                            int neck_displacement)
+  int cx, cy;
+  int head_height = height-neck_height;
+  int neck_start = x + neck_displacement;
+  int ocean_distance = neck_height / 2;
+  /* make perm ocean */
+  { 
+    int top_location = y - (ocean_distance + 1) * direction;
+    int bottom_location = y + (height - ocean_distance) * direction;
+    int left_location = x - ocean_distance - 1;
+    int right_location = x + width + ocean_distance;
+    /* top and bottom */
+    for (cx = left_location; cx < right_location + 1; cx++) {
+      map_set_terrain(cx, top_location, T6_PERM_OCEAN);
+      map_set_terrain(cx, bottom_location, T6_PERM_OCEAN);
+    }
+    /* left and right */
+    for (cy = top_location; cy != bottom_location + direction;
+        cy += direction) {
+      map_set_terrain(left_location, cy, T6_PERM_OCEAN);
+      map_set_terrain(right_location, cy, T6_PERM_OCEAN);
+    }
+    /* connect to central ocean */
+    for (cy = map.ysize / 2; cy != top_location; cy += direction) {
+      map_set_terrain(x + width / 2, cy, T6_PERM_OCEAN);
+    }
+  }
+  /* make head */
+  for (cx = x; cx < x + width; cx++) {
+    for (cy = y; cy != y + (head_height + 1) * direction; cy += direction) {
+      map_set_terrain(cx, cy, T6_PERM_LAND);
+      hmap(cx, cy) = myrand(7000) - 2000;
+    }
+  }
+  /* make neck */
+  for (cx = neck_start; cx < neck_start + neck_width; cx++) {
+    for (cy = y + (head_height + 1) * direction; 
+        cy != y + (height + 1) * direction; cy += direction ) {
+      map_set_terrain(cx, cy, T6_PERM_LAND);
+      hmap(cx, cy) = myrand(7000) - 2000;
+    }
+  }
+  map.start_positions[player_number].x = x + width / 2;
+  map.start_positions[player_number].y = y;
+  This generator creates a map with one penisula for each 
+   player and an isthmus between.  It creates a central
+   ocean and puts the peninsulas around the edges.  It is 
+   intented for quicker games. Should look something like this:
+   *****************************
+   ****  *****  *****  *****    
+    **    ***    ***    ***     
+    **                          
+    **                           
+    **       ***    ***             
+   ****     *****  *****           
+   *****************************
+ *************************************************************************/
+static void mapgenerator6(void)
+  int peninsulas = game.nplayers;
+  int peninsulas_on_one_side = (peninsulas + 1) / 2;
+  int isthmus_width = 10;
+  int neck_height = (map.ysize / 8) | 1; 
+  int polar_height = 3;
+  int peninsula_separation = neck_height;
+  int max_peninsula_width = (map.xsize - isthmus_width - peninsula_separation)
+    / (peninsulas_on_one_side) - peninsula_separation;
+  int max_peninsula_height = map.ysize / 2 - polar_height - neck_height;
+  int neck_width = MIN(6,max_peninsula_width - 1);
+  int min_peninsula_width = neck_width;
+  int min_peninsula_height = neck_height;
+  int peninsula_area = MAX((max_peninsula_width * max_peninsula_height * 
+                           map.landpercent) / 100, 
+                          min_peninsula_width * min_peninsula_height);
+  int i, x, y;
+  int isle = 1;
+  if(min_peninsula_width > max_peninsula_width 
+     || min_peninsula_height > max_peninsula_height
+     || min_peninsula_width < 2 || min_peninsula_height < 2)
+  {
+    freelog(LOG_NORMAL, 
+           "mapgen.c: unable to use generator 6. "\
+           "mw %d Mw %d mh %d Mh %d area %d",
+           min_peninsula_width,max_peninsula_width,
+           min_peninsula_height,max_peninsula_height,peninsula_area);
+    map.generator = 5;
+    return;
+  }
+  height_map = fc_malloc(sizeof(int) * map.xsize * map.ysize);
+  map.start_positions = fc_realloc(map.start_positions,
+                                  game.nplayers
+                                  * sizeof(*map.start_positions));
+  /* initialize everything to temp ocean */
+  for (y = 0; y < map.ysize; y++)
+    for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+      map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_TEMP_OCEAN);
+      hmap(x, y) = 0;
+    }
+  /* create central perm ocean */
+  y = map.ysize / 2;
+  for (x = isthmus_width; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_PERM_OCEAN);
+    hmap(x, y) = 0;
+  }
+  /* create polar regions */
+  for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    for (y = 0; y < polar_height; y++) {
+      int rand_num = myrand(9);
+      map_set_terrain(x, y, rand_num > 7 ? T_ARCTIC :
+                     (rand_num < 2 ? T_MOUNTAINS : T_TUNDRA));
+      rand_num = myrand(9);
+      map_set_terrain(x, map.ysize - 1 - y, rand_num > 7 ? T_ARCTIC :
+                     (rand_num < 2 ? T_MOUNTAINS : T_TUNDRA));
+    }
+  }
+  /* build polar regions road */
+  for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    y = polar_height - 1;
+    if (map_build_road_time(x, y - 1) < map_build_road_time(x, y)) {
+      map_set_special(x, y - 1, S_ROAD);
+    } else {
+      map_set_special(x, y, S_ROAD);
+    }
+    y = map.ysize - polar_height;
+    if (map_build_road_time(x, y + 1) < map_build_road_time(x, y)) {
+      map_set_special(x, y + 1, S_ROAD);
+    } else {
+      map_set_special(x, y, S_ROAD);
+    }
+  }
+  map.num_continents = 1;
+  /* create isthmus centeral strip */
+  x = isthmus_width / 2;
+  for (y = polar_height; y < map.ysize - polar_height; y++) {
+    map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_PERM_LAND);
+    hmap(x, y) = 100 * x * (isthmus_width - x) + (myrand(400) - 200);
+  }
+  /* setup peninsulas */
+  for (i = 0; i < game.nplayers; i++) {
+    /* direction is the direction to increment from the x and y location */
+    int direction = (i < peninsulas_on_one_side) ? -1 : 1;
+    int index = (direction == -1) ? i : i - peninsulas_on_one_side;
+    int width = min_peninsula_width + 
+      myrand(max_peninsula_width - min_peninsula_width);
+    int height = CLIP(min_peninsula_height,
+                     peninsula_area / width + neck_height,
+                     max_peninsula_height);
+    int neck_displacement = myrand(width - neck_width);
+    int x_displacement = myrand(max_peninsula_width - width);
+    if(index == 0) {
+      x = peninsula_separation + isthmus_width;
+      if(direction == 1 && game.nplayers & 1) {
+       /* center the thing */
+       x = x + max_peninsula_width / 2;
+      } 
+    } 
+    y = (direction == -1)
+       ? height + polar_height : map.ysize - 1 - height - polar_height;
+    create_peninsula(x + x_displacement, y, i, width, height, direction,
+                    neck_height,neck_width,neck_displacement);
+    x = x + peninsula_separation + max_peninsula_width;
+  }
+  map.num_start_positions = game.nplayers;
+  { 
+    int consider_height = map.ysize - 2 * polar_height;
+    int desired_squares = 
+      (consider_height * map.xsize * map.landpercent) / 200;
+    int bailout_number = desired_squares * 30;
+    int seed = MIN(20, desired_squares / 20); /* seed islands */
+    desired_squares = MAX(0, desired_squares - seed);
+    while (bailout_number > 0 && seed > 0) {
+      x = myrand(map.xsize);
+      y = myrand(consider_height) + polar_height;
+      if (map_get_terrain(x, y) == T6_TEMP_OCEAN) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_TEMP_LAND);
+       hmap(x, y) = myrand(7000) - 2000;
+       seed--;
+      }
+      bailout_number--;
+    }
+    while (bailout_number > 0 && desired_squares > 0) {
+      x = myrand(map.xsize);
+      y = myrand(consider_height) + polar_height;
+      if (random_new_land(x, y) == TS_NEW_LAND) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T6_TEMP_LAND);
+       hmap(x, y) = myrand(7000) - 2000;
+       desired_squares--;
+      }
+      bailout_number--;
+    }
+  }
+  /* remove small oceans  */
+  dilate_map(polar_height);
+  erode_map(polar_height);
+  /* remove small islands */
+  erode_map(polar_height);
+  dilate_map(polar_height);
+  /* translate to real terrain */
+  for (x = 0; x < map.xsize; x++) {
+    for (y = polar_height; y < map.ysize - polar_height; y++) {
+      int terrain = map_get_terrain(x, y);
+      if (terrain == T6_TEMP_LAND) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T_GRASSLAND);
+      } else if(terrain == T6_TEMP_OCEAN) {
+       map_set_terrain(x, y, T_OCEAN);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  whole_map_iterate(x, y) {
+    map_set_continent(x, y, 0);
+  } whole_map_iterate_end;
+  assign_continent_flood(0, 0, isle++);
+  whole_map_iterate(x, y) {
+    if (map_get_continent(x, y) == 0 
+        && !is_ocean(map_get_terrain(x, y))) {
+      assign_continent_flood(x, y, isle++);
+    }
+  } whole_map_iterate_end;
+  map.num_continents = isle-1;
+  /* setup terrain */
+  smooth_map();
+  make_mountains(1600);
+  make_swamps();
+  make_forests();
+  make_deserts();
+  make_plains();
+  make_fair();
+  make_rivers();
+  /* create isthmus road */
+  {
+    int last_x, middle_x = isthmus_width / 2;
+    last_x = middle_x;
+    for (y = polar_height - 1; y < map.ysize - polar_height + 1; y++) {
+      int best_x = middle_x;
+      int min_build = map_build_road_time(middle_x, y);
+      for (x = MAX(last_x - 1, middle_x - 1);
+          x != MIN(last_x + 1, middle_x + 1) + 1; x++) {
+       if (land_terrain(x, y) && map_build_road_time(x, y) < min_build) {
+         best_x = x;
+         min_build = map_build_road_time(x, y);
+       }
+      }
+      map_set_special(best_x, y, S_ROAD);
+      last_x = best_x;
+    }
+  }
+  free(height_map);
Index: server/stdinhand.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/stdinhand.c,v
retrieving revision 1.292
diff -U9 -r1.292 stdinhand.c
--- server/stdinhand.c  2003/09/09 15:49:07     1.292
+++ server/stdinhand.c  2003/09/14 15:00:27
@@ -242,19 +242,21 @@
        "3 = equally sized large islands with one player each, and "
        "a number of other\n"
        "    islands of similar size;\n"
        "4 = equally sized large islands with two players on every "
        "island (or one\n"
        "    with three players for an odd number of players), and "
        "    smaller islands;\n"
        "5 = one or more large earthlike continents with some scatter.\n"
-       "Note: values 2,3 and 4 generate \"fairer\" (but more boring) "
+       "6 = equally sized peninsulas with one player each surrounding  \n"
+       "    an inland sea.\n"
+       "Note: values 2,3,4 and 6 generate \"fairer\" (but more boring) "
        "(Zero indicates a scenario map.)"), NULL,
   GEN_BOOL("tinyisles", map.tinyisles, SSET_MAP_GEN, SSET_TO_CLIENT,
           N_("Presence or absence of 1x1 islands"),
           N_("0 = no 1x1 islands; 1 = some 1x1 islands"), NULL,

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