Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#1870) FreecivAC: borders patch

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#1870) FreecivAC: borders patch

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#1870) FreecivAC: borders patch
From: "Ben Webb" <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 07:25:52 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:56:21AM -0700, Rafa� Bursig wrote:
> Dnia 2003.07.03 14:54, Ben Webb napisaÅ?(a):
> > I've not played CivIII, so don't know how culture works. 
> > If it's just a simple function of the city size, it could probably 
> > more easily just be calculated each time.
> > 
> Basicaly culture power of city is border range of this city. In this 
> case each city have different border size.

Yes, I understand that, but how is the border range determined? Is it a
function of the population of the city, how old the city is, any special
buildings you have, etc.?

> > Not true: you are only prohibited from working in enemy territory.
> > Anybody can work neutral tiles.
> And this is wrong your workers should work only on your territory.
> Allowing work on neutral is only hack becouse many times borders don't 
> claim city ocean tiles.

Fishing fleets and oil rigs frequently operate in international waters,
as I understand it. For example, the UK claims territorial waters 12
nautical miles from its coasts (3 miles before 1987). There are many oil
and gas installations in the North Sea well outside this limit, and even
an old World War II air defence tower on a sandbank 7 miles out from the
Thames estuary, which claims to be an independent state (see and

> But city ocean tiles are outside borders and this is wrong becouse it 
> is you territory.

In the case of an enemy city located close to your own, many tiles
within your city radius will also not be in your territory.

> > > Another problem that you have with continent/land limit are ocean
> > lakes and dettection it (in this case IMHO current code is poor).
> > This has been discussed already - Ross's solution seems the most
> > sensible to me. Your screenshots merely demonstrate the same 
> > behaviour that Christian and Per have already commented on.
> but you still must make those checks

Yes, but this is a more general problem (e.g. the AI building naval
units on 1x1 lakes).

> > Are you suggesting that land cities should claim territory on
> > different continents, if they are close enough? The current code 
> > doesn't do this.
> Are you sure look to attach !

I can't tell from the attachment whether that's a different continent.
Borders do suffer from a "Gibraltar" effect as mentioned in the README,
but that's because we use map distance rather than unit travel time to
determine the border radii.

> What is wrong when border will claim other continent ?

It's all about the level of simulation. Ideally, you wouldn't be able to
work ocean tiles until you knew how to build ships, and borders would be
determined not only by the location of cities, but by the presence of
military units, fortresses, etc. But that would add complexity, so we
must compromise.

> What is when coast city can work on other continent ?, Those tiles 
> aren't yours ?

Those are neutral tiles. Same point as above.

> What about ocean city that was build near land you made different code 
> for that or simple lands terrains wont be yours ?

If you mean - what happens if you join two continents by transforming
ocean to land? - then borders are recalculated in this case. I'm also
assuming that by "ocean city" you mean a coastal city. The borders code
also supports cities physically located in the sea, which are possible
in SMAC and in FreecivAC.

> Simple rule that you own all terrains in border range will reduce may 
> problems , save resources and IMHO is easy to implement.

It's very easy to patch server/maphand.c to do this - be my guest. ;)

"Daleks don't like stairs. "
        - Ian, 'Dr. Who - The Chase' 

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