[Freeciv-Dev] Re: New/Improved Info Screens
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On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:27:12 +0100, Christian Knoke wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 04:17:17PM +0100, Gregor Zeitlinger wrote:
> > On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Christian Knoke wrote:
> > > > - the same for buildings (well, of course showing only the
> > > > (non)existence)
> > > These seem to be a bit overkill for me. Anybody with a 28 inch
> > > monitor out there? ;-)
> > that's not the point. You'll never show all abilites at once. Rather
> > certain buildings and certain units. You may want to know which cities
> > have attack units that you can send for a raid or which cities could build
> > a research lab to speed research up. I've missed this very often, usually
> > when I have more than 10 cities.
> Well, you're right, but that's not the point either. ;) Actually,
> I have thought about this for longer.
> I'd like to know
> 1. what buildings are in my cities
> 1. what units are in my cities
> 1. what units are supported by my cities
> but there is no place in the city report for that. There is
> already much (too much) in the city report. A table with a
> column for each unit definitely won't fit.
You can (de)activate all columns during play, hence always modify the
report according to your actual needs.
> Maybe a new kind of report?
> Following suggestions:
> A (small) column: "numbers of mil. units supported by this city"
> (important for war).
> A button/function "Wake up all units in the city"
> A function for the units report "Wake up all units of type ..."
> (the latter has been nearly realized by a recent patch).
Hm... sounds nice. If you (and enough other people ;-) always need
more information than can be shown in one report, then it should
be possible to build and save/load several reports for your needs, where
all these reports are build from the same huge pot of elementary
columns you can switch on/off. Maybe the client or server (or where
these reports are stored) can come with a widened set of standard
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Hello; Elementarization of Unit Properties; New/Improved Info Screens, Raimar Falke, 2002/01/14
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Hello; Elementarization of Unit Properties; New/Improved Info Screens, Jörg Zuther, 2002/01/15