Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Hello; Elementarization of Unit Properties; New/Improv

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Hello; Elementarization of Unit Properties; New/Improv

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Hello; Elementarization of Unit Properties; New/Improved Info Screens
From: Christian Knoke <ChrisK@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 00:19:07 +0100

On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 12:02:15AM +0100, Jörg Zuther wrote:
>    E.g. in the cities chart,
>    - the columns "workers", "surplus", "economy" and "currently
>      building" should be splitted into several columns,
>      respectively, so that you can sort wrt each elementary
>      information.

There has been a patch for this already (see archives), which lacked
a convinient UI for the sorting. I could think of a sub header for 
the columns, 1 click sorts up, 1 down. So, if you're going to become 
a GTK+ expert ...

>    - there should be a column showing the continent/island the
>      city is on.
>    - total of trading points generated by trading routes

Good Idea.

>    - a set of columns (one for each unit type) which show the
>      the number of units of the respective unit type in the city.
>    - the same for buildings (well, of course showing only the
>      (non)existence)

These seem to be a bit overkill for me. Anybody with a 28 inch
monitor out there? ;-)


* Christian Knoke                           +49 4852 92248 *
* D-25541 Brunsbuettel                  Wurtleutetweute 49 *
* * * * * * * * *  Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse dividendum.

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