Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [DRAFT] New modpack: FutureTech

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [DRAFT] New modpack: FutureTech

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To: "Miguel Farah F." <miguel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [DRAFT] New modpack: FutureTech
From: Nathan Lovell <lovell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 00:12:35 -0700 (MST)

Good idea.  I was thinking along these lines myself.  It seems that
Civ:CTP and maybe some of the other Civ clones would be a good source for
ideas.  I like the space bomber, personally!

The concept of a spy satellite was tossed around here a couple months ago,
and the idea I liked best was a unit that moves at a constant rate and
direction once "launched", and gives a view of an area (5 squares,
say).  For added realism, it should have a limited life (orbit decay/
breakage) and be destructible (by a cruise missile, perhaps).

This "orbital movement" could be applied to a whole series of units, all
of them vulnerable to cruise missiles (or some similar unit) One more rule
of movement for the spy satellite and other orbited units (see below) that
would add some strategy to city placement is to allow a  
"geostationary" orbit ONLY at the "equator" (vertical center of the map),
allowing satellites to be placed over the host city for e.g. missile

Here are some other ideas.  I may be repeating because I have been playing
Civ:CTP a lot lately and have forgotten exactly what is available in

Tech: Space Warfare - space flight, lasers
Star Wars (Wonder) - a civ-wide (or global?) anti-nuke system.  Perhaps it
only defends cities of you and your allies?  Has the effect of SDI in each
city and unit?

SBLA (Space-Based Laser Array) - orbital unit (maybe using the same
movement rules as the spy satellite) that is capable of firing a laser
each turn to do a certain amount of damage to the square it is over.  It
could be limited to pillaging improvements if it seems too powerful.
Also capable of targeting and destroying cruise missiles and nukes
automatically (at a rate of 2/ turn) as they are moved within its range.

Tech: Space Engineering - plastics, superconductors
Solar Power Receiver Plant - improved version of nuclear plant, receives
power from a satellite collector

L5 (Wonder) - A space station in the L5 stable orbit between earth and
moon.  Provides permanent presence in space that facilitates mining, 
research, tourism, and exploration.  Has the effect of increasing
production, tax, luxury, and research in civ.  Obviously this has the
potential to be a huge treasure, but not until late in the game
(perfect for those games that drag on forever).  Competes with colony
ship for Space Race resources...

Linear Accelerator - orbital unit capable of "firing" chunks of moonrock
that travel up to n spaces a turn and do x damage.  Pellets are similar to
cruise missiles in attack, but industructible by SBLA/SDI.  They are also
unable to manuever (in other words, a special case orbit).


Well, that's it for now.  More to come.  Let me know what you think!

  Nathan Lovell @ University of Utah 
  School of Computing & Department of Chemistry
  Graduation ETA 2001.12

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