Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Non-smallpox ruleset (Minimum distance between cities to 3

[Freeciv-Dev] Non-smallpox ruleset (Minimum distance between cities to 3

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Non-smallpox ruleset (Minimum distance between cities to 3 or 4)
From: Tuomas Airaksinen <tuma@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 20:39:20 +0200
Reply-to: tuomas.airaksinen@xxxxxxxxxx

I just noticed that there is possibility to set minimum distance between
cities in game.ruleset (min_dist_bw_cities). So, changing it to 3 or 4 
will make smallpox impossible. 

I just was thinking if this would be better to be server option and not
ruleset (whether people want smallpox or not depends on what kind of game 
people want (quick or long)). 

Mike Jing's way to add unhappines (read his document, don't remember
his geocities url any more (copy is also readable on my site,, is a good alternative, but it 
will change gameplay quite much. 

BTW, in addition to min_dist_bw_cities=4, I changed empire_size_inc and
Steam Engine  dependency to Metallurgy, in the rulesets with which
I will play longer games from now on. Check my ruleset directory
(and README) at <>.

Terveisin   Tuomas Airaksinen        linux
Kotisivu:      is all   
Sähköposti: tuma@xxxxxxxxxxxx          we   
Icq:        11870110, IRCnet: tuma      need 

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