Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder tiles.

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder tiles.

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To: <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder tiles.
From: "Claus Leth Gregersen" <leth@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 18:41:07 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Willemoes Hansen <martin_w_hansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 3. marts 1999 21:12
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder tiles.

>Hi Freecivers!
>I realy like Alexandre BERAUD new suggestions to how
>to handle the wonder tiles.
>I definatly think the idea of placing them on land and
>in sea .. a cool idea. It would make the game so very
>About the point of a little island, I think it is very
>realistic that a little town on a tiny island cant
>build a hole lot of wonders. Like u can only build
>as many wonders as there is space for in a maybe 5-10
>tiles radius.
>I also support the idea of some wonders can only be
>build special places on earth .. like then it is even
>more realistick .. like pyramids maybe only could be
>build in the desert and lighthouse in the sea .. I
>think there is one wonder which does this now .. hover
>dam should be built on a river I think.
>How ever I dont think the wonder tiles should give no
>output .. they still should imho.
>It should not be posible to move wonders too, that I
>agree on.
>I realy hope someone will start coding on it .. but
>first we have to find out how to handle it .. many
>great suggestions have comed up so far  .. keep em
>coming ;)
>This is what makes Freeciv much more fun and superior
>to the commercial civilization games.
>btw. im working out a time line for Civilization games
>and im wondering when the first version of Freeciv
>came out and when the project was started etc..
>and the major versions dates etc.. anybody? please
>send me a mail of what u know ..
>Best regards
>Martin Willemoes Hansen

Personally i like it the way it's done today,
I think the wonder graphics will look nice in city-reports etc., but there
is alot of problems with putting them on the map.
Solving these problems by restricting where you can build these wonders
would create some incredible complex rules.

Take a look at the rules that exists today, ZOC is maybe the most advanced
rule, and people never seem to get that one.
Wonder placement algorithm based on free tiles around the city etc. would be
even more complex than that,  just describing it in the help will be a real

Anyway, it's a religious question, someone wants games to be complex in
terms of complex rules.
I find beauty in complex games with simple rules.
And i think the spirit of civ is the later.

So in my opinion, altering wonder placement would be a big step backwards.

/Claus Leth Gregersen.

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