Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Beta 1.8.0

[Freeciv-Dev] Beta 1.8.0

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Beta 1.8.0
From: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx (Alexandre BERAUD)
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 17:48:04 +0100 (MET)
Reply-to: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx

Why do all my units have a black square behind them ?

You jokers, eh ! Typing "civclient -tiles classic" restores classic
tiles, but what I want is Engels 30x30 tiles. Don't tell me they don't
exist, I've seen them. Ahaaaaa !!! :o)

Who is the sadist (sadicist ? sadicisist ?) who coded this damn AI ??!!!
Even in EASY (I repeat: EASY) mode, I was pitifully destroyed, disintegrated
, annihilated, reduced to ashes and dust by the AI. Please
do something or little newbies like me won't be able to win a single game.

To finish with all my complaining, I'm going mad once again. I've re-drawn 
the little lightbulbs in the "small.xpm" file and converted it to the 
64(argh...)-colors Engels palette (thanx to David "Fantastic" Pfiltzer (I 
hope there are no mistakes in the name)) and then replaced the old file in 
the /default directory. But the client continues displaying the old bulbs 
!!! What's that kind of (black) magic ???
File's attached with this mail.


Alexandre BERAUD

X pixmap

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