Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: September 2009:
Re: Future of this mailing list

Re: Future of this mailing list

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Future of this mailing list
From: Aaron Kaplan <lists2546@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 13:46:55 +0200

John Goerzen wrote:

> What do people think of the Google Groups or Mailman on alioth options?

I migrated a group to google groups in the past year, and ended up not 
very happy with the choice.  For one thing, people have to create a 
google account in order to subscribe themselves.  It's strange--the 
moderator can subscribe someone who doesn't have a google account, but 
the person can't do it himself.  Not that mailman has the most 
convenient interface ever, but at least you don't have to create yet 
another account and store/remember yet another password.

Also, if you got a subscriber list import approved after a month, you're 
lucky.  In my case they just rejected the request.  I had to import 100 
addresses by hand, a few at a time, and they won't even tell you how 
many "a few" is, but if you go over the secret limit then something bad 


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