Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: October 2008:
Re: Request for help: bug tracker

Re: Request for help: bug tracker

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Request for help: bug tracker
From: "David L. Emerson" <demerson3x@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 20:09:39 -0700

Hi John,

I frequently find myself in the frustrated end user's shoes, so I can 
understand the mentality that causes someone to file a bug report 
against what is really a support issue. (Though I don't think I've ever 
actually done it myself)

As an end user, I don't want to be on a(nother) mailing list. I just 
have one question, and I want an answer to that question, not 100 
emails discussing other issues.

Forums are certainly better (since they don't clog my email, although I 
still have to sift through many irrelevant topics in order to find my 
own answer) but what I really would like would be like a "one-off" 
question, where I could get emailed responses only to that question, 
and not any other question. It would be like a reduced mailing list ... 
subscription only to a thread (or threads) that I start -- and which I 
start from the web page, not by logging into my email.

I could shoot off more ideas :)


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