Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: August 2003:
[linux-help] Re: Mysql permissions

[linux-help] Re: Mysql permissions

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Mysql permissions
From: bruce bales <bbales@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 20:11:49 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Tom Hull wrote:
 > Try selecting into a new file in /tmp/ -- that directory should always be
 > world-writable. If it can't do it you probably still have a GRANT 
 > If you can it's just a file permissions problem. The file is being
 > written as user/group mysql/mysql, since that's what the server is
 > running as.

Would not write to /tmp.

 > If you have a GRANT problem take a look at /etc/my.cnf to see if there's
 > anything suspicious there. I don't know what this might be -- don't have
 > the problem here -- but I have an account with an ISP who disallows
 > GRANT FILE somehow, so I suspect that there is a configuration way to
 > do so. (Like I said before, there are security issues with this.)

I have two my.cnf files.   They are identical except under [client], 
/etc/my.cnf had password commented out      #password      mypassword.
Under [client] in /home/bruce/my.cnf, it was   password    augie05. 
 This is my mysql root password.

I uncommented the one and changed both to my mysql user password. 
 Shutdown mysql and restarted.   No change.

I'll give up an read a while.
Thanks for the help,

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