Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: September 2000:
[linux-help] Re: Ethernet problem

[linux-help] Re: Ethernet problem

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Ethernet problem
From: Ryan Claycamp <claycamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 14:04:08 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

I think I have the problem solved and thank you to everyone for their help. I am not entirely sure what happened, but I think it is connected to my trying to get diald working on the server mail. None of the suggestions solved the problem, but steered me in the right direction. Since nothing was working to solve the problem, I grepped the etc directory for any occurrence of cad1's IP address. It was in hosts (expected) and my diald conf file. While trying diald I had used cad1's address for the local address for some reason. I couldn't get diald to work, so I killed the process and left it for another day.

Somehow diald must have fouled the network tables. I tried the suggestions of route output, but everything looked the same from machine to machine. Tcpdump showed that pinging from mail did not leave the machine, but stayed internal. I ran `ifconfig eth0 down` on mail and could still ping (mail's address) and This led me to believe that diald had fouled the tables even though it was no longer running. Since I am not entirely weaned from Windows, I gave it the ol' Microsoft try and rebooted. Problem solved. Mail really sees cad1, cad1 sees mail, and cad1 isn't dropping connections, although it is too early to really know about the last one.

I will tackle diald in the future, but for now the network seems to be running smoothly again. The first question from tech support is always what did you change. I knew nothing had changed on cad1, but I had been messing with diald on mail. It didn't occur to me to link the two. Hail to grep and text based configuration files. Thanks again to all who offered suggestions.

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