[gopher] Re: OverbiteFF beta is READY!!
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On Feb 20, 2008, at 7:43 AM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>> * One thing that might be nice: 'Real'/skinnable pages for errors
>> (itemtype 3).
> How do you mean? Strictly speaking, 3 could simply appear in any
> directory
> output. In fact, I'm changing Bucktooth default error messages in the
> upcoming 0.2.3 to something like
> 3 error text
> i error explanation
> i error explanation
> so that it's not only legible if item type 0, but if item type 1, it
> shows
> a very nice error document. It could even be mixed in with regular
> directories
> as a warning class. Thus I facilitated it acting as a meta-item type
> rather
> than taking over an entire menu, since I don't see any reason to
> make its
> semantics different than any other itemtype.
> Please speak up if you disagree :)
I now see my mistake: I wanted the error thrown by a missing item type
0 to
be rendered as an item type 1. That doesn't make sense. I like your
idea for
Bucktooth and agree that item type 3 isn't 'special'.
Two more minor suggestions, I have no idea if they are even possible for
1. Register the gopher:// handle for Firefox.
2. Use a custom icon for gopher:// bookmarks. (The mascot icon?)
Jeroen Schot
[gopher] Re: OverbiteFF beta is READY!!, JumpJet Mailbox, 2008/02/18
[gopher] Re: OverbiteFF beta is READY!!, Jeroen Schot, 2008/02/19
[gopher] Re: OverbiteFF beta is READY!!, SiMpLe MaChInEs, 2008/02/20