[gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts
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On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 14:11:42 -0500, "Ralph Furmaniak" <sugaku@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Personally, I think we need a gopherd written in Python, and I aim to
> > do that one of these days. (Really!)
> In that case, would anyone mind a Lisp or Fortran server? While we're at it,
> lets just write bytecode!
Well, I suggested Python for several reasons:
1. A lot of framework is already done.
2. There are no buffer overflow issues to worry about.
3. It's fast to write such a thing in Python.
- [gopher] Gopher thoughts, Ralph Furmaniak, 2002/01/15
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, John Goerzen, 2002/01/16
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, Ralph Furmaniak, 2002/01/16
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, MJ Ray, 2002/01/16
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, Thierry B., 2002/01/17
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts,
John Goerzen <=
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, MJ Ray, 2002/01/17
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, John Goerzen, 2002/01/17
- [gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, MJ Ray, 2002/01/17
[gopher] Re: Gopher thoughts, Paul Lindner, 2002/01/17