Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 2006:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Agricultural and Nomadic civs

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Agricultural and Nomadic civs

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Agricultural and Nomadic civs
From: "Peter Schaefer" <peter.schaefer@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 12:33:27 +0100

On 3/19/06, Guillaume Melquiond <guillaume.melquiond@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 3/16/06, Daniel Markstedt wrote:
> An idea on how to evolve the Civ concept: Agricultural and Nomadic civs.

I like the concept of having agricultural and nomadic civilizations.

> Here's some preliminary concepts:
> - If you research Agriculture first, you become an agricultural civ;
> research Horseback Riding first and you become a nomadic civ.

This point annoys me. Just imagine your explorer tumbling on a hut and
finding Horseback Riding while you were researching Agriculture.

Well, the game most of the time is played without huts. This is a general problem though, maybe there will be rulesets with exclusive techs; a solution would be to have a pop up-box(bad, interrupts online play) or better a gift list, were you would have the choice of accepting horseback riding or getting 50% of the bulbs it is worth(otherwise players will be too unhappy) . Also, if you start researching horsebach riding, you'd get it immediately. There is a similar problem for diplomacy.

The style choice should not be set once and for all, but should be
selectable. If I understood correctly, there will be a major revision
of the government code. I think it would look better if Agricultural
and Nomadic where parts of it.

Maybe it could depend on other characteristics. If the population was diverse like in MOO2, then for example the population itself could have the characteristics of being hunters or farmers, and which they would become could depend on the activities in the cities, buildings would make city dwellers. To avoid being a CPU hog, activities would only be checked upon completing a building or unit. It would be unwise to include the actual work done by citizens, since then eventually the worker allocation code would have to think about it too.

Yours, Peter

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