Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2005:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#12271) RFC: allowing more players

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#12271) RFC: allowing more players

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To: bh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#12271) RFC: allowing more players
From: "Lo'oris" <lo_oris@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 06:17:11 -0800
Reply-to: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Il giorno 25/feb/05, alle 11:21, Per I. Mathisen ha scritto:

> In any case, the difficulty has little relation to the number of AIs, 
> but
> to the degree they cooperate.
>  [...]
> If you want, I can make a patch for such a difficulty level AI, where 
> the
> AI starts with twice the startunits amount of units and researches 
> faster.

well, my two cents are saying that the first approach would sound 
nicer: having multiple AIs that cooperate well is far better than 
having a single AI that cheats more.

i understand that it is harder to code, though.

Lo'oris un SemidioElettrico che quando parla evoca tsunami 
assassini,tristemente cavalcati e domati da Polli di silicone,Pirati 
boriosi o da Iena Priskin.....
  - Tommy, lo Stregatto Astratto giocoloso di quartiere




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Il giorno 25/feb/05, alle 11:21, Per I. Mathisen ha scritto:

In any case, the difficulty has little relation to the number of AIs, but
to the degree they cooperate.

If you want, I can make a patch for such a difficulty level AI, where the
AI starts with twice the startunits amount of units and researches faster.

well, my two cents are saying that the first approach would sound nicer: having multiple AIs that cooperate well is far better than having a single AI that cheats more.

i understand that it is harder to code, though.

Lo'oris un SemidioElettrico che quando parla evoca tsunami assassini,tristemente cavalcati e domati da Polli di silicone,Pirati boriosi o da Iena Priskin.....
- Tommy, lo Stregatto Astratto giocoloso di quartiere


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