Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: civ3 graphics system

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: civ3 graphics system

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To: vze49r5w@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: civ3 graphics system
From: bursig@xxxxxxxxx
Date: 22 Nov 2002 10:59:05 +0100


I have working on it for sometimes and impement part of this.

> Most of the terrains are not properly tile-based - they draw the 
> intersections of
> tiles.

Yes, but in 128x64 pixels and biger.

> For instance, look at the xdgp file.  This file contains a 9x9 grid of 
> graphics.  But > none of these graphics corresponds a freeciv "tile" (which 
> is a map square).  Rather, > they contain the 3^4 = 81 different ways that 
> _d_esert, _g_rassland, and _p_lains can > intersect.  Thus each graphic 
> contains one-quarter of the graphics for four different > adjacent tiles.  
> Note that this is FAR superior to the 6^4 system I had suggested,
> since drawing a tile will take into account all 8 adjacent tiles (not just 
> the 4
> orthogonal ones).

> xtgc = tundra + grassland + coast
> xpgc = plains + grassland + coast
> xggc = grassland + grassland + coast [1]
> xdpc = desert + plains + coast
> xdgp = desert + grassland + plains
> xdgc = desert + grassland + coast

they use it to blent terrains with each other.

> [1] Looks like there are two types of grassland.

no only one.

> Irrigation is drawn on a per-tile basis.  Each irrigation file contains a 4x4 
> grid of > tile graphics, corresponding to the 2^4=16 possiblilities for 
> adjacent irrigation.
> There are two different irrigation files, for PLAINS and DESETT.  I'm not 
> sure what
> PLAINS and DESETT are.

theose PLAINS and DESERT versions are specialised ( litle other colors ) to 
this terrain.

> Mountains and hills are drawn on a per-tile basis.  'xhills' contains a 4x4 
> grid
> containing the 2^4=16 possible hills.  'mountains' does the same for 
> mountains.
> However, the graphic does not fill the entire tile - an adjacent base terrain 
> must be > drawn "underneath" it to get the right blending.  I'm not sure how 
> the adjacent
> terrain should be chosen.  I also suspect that mountains and hills are 
> considered
> equivalent for the adjacency check.

hills and montains are thee same that our but has other size that standart cell 
( 128x64 ). When you want draw them propery you must make some fix in draw code.
note: this tiles has biger high but never above 1.5 * STANDART_CELL_HIGH.

> Similarly, 'hill forests' contain 16 identical hills (identical to the 
> original 16,
> that is), but instead of being adjacent to an X terrain they are adjacent to 
> forest.  > So there's forest on the slopes of the hill.  'hill jungle' does 
> the same thing, for
> adjacent jungle.  I suspect that if a hill is not ENTIRELY surrounded by hill 
> or
> jungle, the basic tile will be used.

hill forest is new type and we have 2 varian :
Add this type or mixed forrest tile with hill tile;
I prefer first becouse we can do beter gfx that mixed effect.

I attach patch that implement irrigation/farmland style. ( and make some other 
clean )


Attachment: tiles.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tiles2.diff
Description: Binary data

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