Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: April 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: new_natural_city_names updated again (PR#1127)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: new_natural_city_names updated again (PR#1127)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: new_natural_city_names updated again (PR#1127)
From: Jason Short <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:46:28 -0700 (PDT)

per@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Jason Short wrote:

This is another update of the new natural city names patch to current
CVS.  Nothing has really changed; see all the old discussion for an

+struct city_name {
+       char* name;
+       int river;
+       int terrain[T_COUNT];

Can you make it char name[MAX_LEN_NAME] instead? Fewer allocations

Are you sure? This will take more memory on average (even considering the overhead for a malloc), and will make the termination code (even) more ugly (the city_name array is currently terminated by a NULL name).

-  char **default_city_names;
-  char **default_rcity_names;          /* river city names */
-  char **default_crcity_names;         /* coastal-river city names */
-  char **default_ccity_names;          /* coastal city names */
-  char **default_tcity_names[T_COUNT]; /* terrain-specific city names */
+  struct city_name *city_names;                /* The default city names. */

Thank you. I hated those.

Indeed :-).

+      } while (name && *name);

I hate to say it, because I like this a lot myself, but this should be

  while (name != NULL && strlen(name) > 0)

See other responses. And although strlen(name) > 0 is much more readible, it really seems unnecessary to check the *entire length* of the string when all we're interested in is the first character.

+  GEN_BOOL("naturalcitynames", game.natural_city_names,
+           N_("Whether to use natural city names"),
+           N_("If enabled, the default city names will be determined based "
+              "on the surrounding terrain."),

IMHO, you can just make this the default. Why wouldn't anyone want this?
(And even if they didn't want it, would they bother enough to turn it
off? I doubt it.) I don't like unnecessary "options creep".

Well, it is the "default".

It would be fine IMO to remove the server option. But since it was so easy I added it in. The reason someone might not want this is that it does tend to change the capital city's name (although within reason, unlike the original natural_city_names patch, and it can be manually changed back). Anyone else with a preference?


As for deallocating the city_names array: yes I will add it.   Good catch.


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