Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: multiplayer mode is all that counts

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: multiplayer mode is all that counts

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: multiplayer mode is all that counts
From: Asher Densmore-Lynn <jesdynf@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 13:11:42 -0700

At 08:41 PM 9/13/01 +0200, Raimar wrote:

>> Scripting is fine for some tasks but 'ordinary' people don't enjoy it
>> much. 
>> Besides we don't want to turn freeciv into Corewars do we? :-)
>It is an interesting option.

THIS is something I'd -happily- contribute to.

I really, really want client-side scripting, but I don't have the mad
skills to code it. And when I looked at the AI code, I curled up into a
little ball and sobbed. But the scripts, them I could write.

But if you shipped FreeCiv with a default set of ministerial scripts
("Combat Minister: Replace lost units in the city flagged as "owned" by CM;
units not on Sentry will attack if they think they can win; opponent
movement in my units line of sight will be sent to console") ("City
Minister: Adjust city populations to avoid rebellions, warn if it'd be more
efficient to change global luxury instead") ("Research Minister: Doing a
quick test for each technology ('lots of defeated units? let's go for
Ironworking'), suggest the next best tech to acquire")... and you left 'em
turned on by default, but with an easy way to turn 'em off permanently...
FreeCiv could be a lot more fun.

People could write up more elaborate scripts later... but the FreeCiv core
would ship with a deliberately understated set.

Of course, then someone would just script up ICS. Ick-phooey.

Asher Densmore-Lynn <jesdynf@xxxxxx>

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