Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Religions in freeciv?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Religions in freeciv?

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Religions in freeciv?
From: "Daniel Speyer" <Daniel_Speyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 21:57:51 -0400

I'm not convinced this is a good idea, but just to flesh it out some and
see what people think...

Each religion requires a technology (except animism) and a period of
conversion (analogous to a revolution).  You automatically get embassies
with every civilization of your religion that you've contacted, except
where otherwise marked.  Each religion also has certain advantages/costs.


Technology              Religion                Special features        
None                    Animism         No embassies            You start with 
None                    Turmoil                 -5% tax         This is during 
a switch (the tax penalty is
because of fringe groups eating up resources)
Ceremonial Burial       Shamanism               +1% science             Because 
Shamans bring ideas from
place to place and mix things around
Literacy                Confucianism            +3% science             
Emphasis on learning
                                                -10% corruption importance of 
good rulers
Mysticism               Taoism                  +2 food in every city   
beginnings of medicine -- maybe
someone can come up with something better?
Polytheism              Hinduism                +1 unhappysize  Stable social 
structure upholds
Monarchy                Nationalism             +1 unhappysize  The government 
is divine
                                                no unhappy mil units    
fighting for it is good
                                                -1% science             
thinking for yourself is bad
                                                no embassies            it's 
not really one religion
Republic                Freedom of Religion     embassy with all        There's 
some of everything
                                                -1 unhappysize  All those 
different religions cause friction
Philosophy              Buddhism                +2 unhappysize  Emphasis on 
non-violence prevents
                                                no happy mil units      but 
also warfare
Monotheism              Judiasm         +5% science             emphasis on 
Theology                Christianity            +2 unhappysize  support for 
                                                -2% science             
conflict with scholars
Democracy               Humanism                immune to famine        
nobody's allowed to *starve*
Economics               Capitalism              +10% tax                
everyone makes so much more money
                                                -2% science             and so 
many more patent laws
Communism               Authoritarian Atheism   automatic w/ Communism  that's 
how it was
                                                +1 unhappysize  attacking the 
government is evil
                                                -1% science             
prohibition of counter-revolutionary philosophies (e.g.
                                                no embassies            It's 
not really one religion
Computers               Discordianism           randomly gives +[1-7]% science 
each turn        You
want it should make sense?
Robotics                Church of Emacs 0 fogofwar              What?!?! You 
say emacs doesn't find
enemy armies?!?!? Blasphemer!!!!!!!!
University(?)           Islam                   gives embassy w/ Jew + 
Christian        Tradition of
religious tolerance
                                                +2% science             
tradition of learning
Medicine                Psychoanalysis          +1 unhappysize  'Don't riot, 
just go to therapy'
                                                -1% science             
Everyone is entitled to his own theory, independent of
Fusion Power            toy-worship             +3 unhappysize  It's got to be 
good for

#endif /* _EASILY_OFFENDED_ */

This is all sort of tenative, and Islam and Taoism are very random (I
thought they should be included).  Something should be added for Labor
Union, and maybe Code of Laws.  Shinto should be somewhere.  I really
don't mean to offend anybody; I'm sorry if I have.  I also have no idea
how to implement this -- mostly server-side I guess.

Just my US$.02, maybe a little more
--Daniel Speyer
"May the /src be with you, always"

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