Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Religions in freeciv?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Religions in freeciv?

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To: KORONCZAY David <fu@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Religions in freeciv?
From: "Miguel Farah F." <miguel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 11:37:44 -0400

 KORONCZAY David [10/06/2001 07:15] dijo/said:
> Hip
> Why does freeciv lack any real religions, like christianity, etc?
>I think it shouldn't.
>(DISCLAIMER: i hope no-one will take these as an offense.
>if someone feels his/her relegious feelings are hurt, then
>burn this mail, think of these as a server option that can
>be turned off, or make up other rulesets that fit better to him.)

Fine by me.

> How I imagine how relegions should be handled:
> Just like govrenment type, every player would have a
>religion type. Everyone would start with >animism<,
>which should stand for the earliest and most basic
>religion/religious beliefs, etc.
>Later on, after developing certain technologies
>(among them _polytheism_, and _monotheism_,
>which would this way receive their fair and realistic
>place in the game) other religions would become possible.
>For instance, christianity, islam, buddhism, hinduism, etc.

So far OK. However...

How would different religions be "developed"? Unlike science, many
relegions have been founded by a key figure (think Jesus Christ,
Mohammed, etcetera).

If, say, christianity is "developed" by the Spanish, how long would it
take for the other nations in the game to be able to convert to it?

How would minority religions would be handled? Would a forced
conversion (for example, the Spanish are Christian and the player
decides to convert to Islam) be allowed? How would THAT would be
handled? What if I conquer a jewish city?

>furthermore, >religious capitals< could be introduced to the game.
>like, having Mecca as your religous capital (and being a muslim),

This wouldn't be valid for many religions. While it would work for
Islam and Catholic Christianism, it wouldn't be acceptable for
Orthodox Christianism.


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