Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Is Civworld out of date?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Is Civworld out of date?

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Is Civworld out of date?
From: "Daniel Gudlat" <d.gudlat@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 19:48:06 +0100

On 3 Jan 2001, at 19:39, Miguel Farah F. wrote:

> I downloaded the latest civworld, and I heavily suspect it hasn't been
> updated in a while (it wouldn't compile, it made references to
> structures in the Freeciv source code that weren't there (anymore?),
> etcetera).
> I'd like to know wether it is officially not being maintained.

If Thue hasn't taken over, it is officially not being 
maintained, AFAIK - and I should probably know, being the one 
who implemented the currently existing version. Sadly, I 
currently just don't have the time to maintain it or even just 
bring it up to date.

> I ask this because I intend to design a few maps of my own, and I can't
> do it with that package. Or, I could do the maps withthe CivII editor,
> IF there was a conversion program...

Hmm, contrary to what one might expect from the guy who 
brought civworld into a useable state (for certain values of 
useable...) and did the Earth maps, I designed the two maps 
using nedit and a custom syntax highlighter, since the terrain 
is just an ASCII map. A similar approach should be doable for 
your editor of choice, as long as it supports syntax 
highlighting, which really helps here.
Alternatives would be
a) trying out Thue's new version
b) getting the old civworld code, a version of Freeciv 1.8 (I 
think), and the Perl(?) script which converts the old maps 
into the new format. All of this should be available on


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