Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [PATCH] Renaming cities. (PR#567)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [PATCH] Renaming cities. (PR#567)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [PATCH] Renaming cities. (PR#567)
From: Greg Wooledge <wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 21:10:41 -0400

Erik Sigra (freeciv@xxxxxxx) wrote:

> Here is a solution that should fix all exploits mentioned until now:
> * Let the server decide the official name of each city once and for
>   all time. Such names would always be sane.
> * Let players assign an alias for each city (friendly as well as
>   enemy) that they want to refer to by anoter name.

Wouldn't this lead to confusion when the players talk to each other?

  Player 1: "Get your troops away from Birmingham!"
  Player 2: "Where's that?"
  Player 1: "East of your Lagash."
  Player 2: "But I don't have any Lagash!"

And I don't think it would suffice for the server to try to translate
the city names in the chat, either.  Players may misspell the city names,
or use abbreviations that confuse the server.

Personally, I'd just leave everything as it is. :-)

Greg Wooledge                    | "Truth belongs to everybody."
wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx             |   Red Hot Chili Peppers |

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