Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: po-files are too big (PR#561)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: po-files are too big (PR#561)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: po-files are too big (PR#561)
From: Erik Sigra <freeciv@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 03:50:40 -0700 (PDT)

Gaute B Strokkenes wrote:
> Erik Sigra <freeciv@xxxxxxx> writes:
> >   have GNU xgettext
> GNU gettext, you mean?

I guees you're right. xgettext is just a part of the package.

> >   installed to do this. Then you need to add the following to your
> >   '~/.gnu-emacs' file
> .gnu-emacs ?  The conventional name is .emacs .  What kind of system
> are you using?

I use SuSE 6.4. (See my attached .*emacs* files for more information.)

> > (setq auto-mode-alist
> >       (cons '("\\.po[tx]?\\'\\|\\.po\\." . po-mode) auto-mode-alist))
> > (autoload 'po-mode "po-mode")
> > (autoload 'po-find-file-coding-system "po-mode")
> > (modify-coding-system-alist 'file "\\.po[tx]?\\'\\|\\.po\\."
> >                             'po-find-file-coding-system)
> >
> >   Save it and restart emacs with a po-file. Now the buffer should
> >   become highlighted with beautiful colors.
> I don't think that it's a good idea to include detailed instructions
> on how to install things by hand.  If gettext has already been
> installed by your sysmonster or if you're using some sort of package
> system, this can screw thing up quite severly.

These configuration lines is what I get if I type 'info gettext', select 
'Basics' and select 'Installation'. Whatever a "sysmonster" might be, it has to 
be me at my place, because I added those lines.

> >   If you get the error message "Fontifying XX.po...buffer too big"
> >   and don't get the colors, you have to increase the value of the
> >   variable font-lock-maximum-size. To do this, open the 'Help' menu
> >   and select 'Describe', then 'Descrive variable... (C-h v)'. Type
> >   'font-lock-maximum-size'. Read the helptext in the buffer that
> >   opens and middleclick on the underlined word 'customize'. Change
> >   the value to something high like 1048576 (2^20). (Your
> >   customizations are saved in the file '~/.gnu-emacs-custom'.)
> First of all, not emacsen have menus.  Mine doesn't.  I can
> middle-click etc. either, since I'm using the console.  I think it's
> better to point people in the direction of the emacs manual and
> M-x customize.  Also, the value 2^20 seems a bit arbitrary.  It's
> better to have a look at the actual .po files and add 10% or something
> like that.  (My apologies if you've done that already.)

I don't think the value 2^20 is arbitrary. It is exactly 1MB and if I select 
describe variable, the help actually includes exactly this value (1048576) in 
an example:

"If a list, each element should be a cons pair of the form (MAJOR-MODE . SIZE), 
where MAJOR-MODE is a symbol or t (meaning the default).  For example:
 ((c-mode . 256000) (c++-mode . 256000) (rmail-mode . 1048576))
means that the maximum size is 250K for buffers in C or C++ modes, one megabyte 
for buffers in Rmail mode, and size is irrelevant otherwise."

> Don't tell people where their customisations etc. are going to end up,
> because you will inevitably be wrong about the exact setup and version of
> the person at the other end.


> Lastly, it might be nice to know why they need to set this variable.

I added a sentence to explain this.

Here is the new text:

* How do I edit po-files?

  Although po-files can be edited directly, the safest and most
  convenient way to edit them is to use the emacs po-mode. You need to
  have GNU gettext installed to do this. Type 'info gettext', select
  'Basics' and select 'Installation' for more information about
  installing the emacs po-mode.

  If you get the error message "Fontifying XX.po...buffer too big"
  when opening a po-file and don't get the colors, you have to
  increase the value of the variable font-lock-maximum-size. This is
  because emacs refuses to fontify buffers larger than this value. To
  change the value, press 'C-h v' and type 'font-lock-maximum-size'.
  Read the helptext in the buffer that opens and select the underlined
  word 'customize'. Change the value to something high like 1048576
  (2^20). Now the files should become fontified when you open them
  (unless they are larger than 1MB).

> --
> Big Gaute (not to be confused with LG)
> Civilization is fun!  Anyway, it keeps me busy!!

Keeps me busy too!!
;;; File name: ` ~/.emacs '
;;; ---------------------
;;; Note: This file switches between two Emacs versions:
;;;            GNU-Emacs (19.34/20.X) and X-Emacs (19.14/20.X).
;;;       Please to not mix both versions: GNU-Emacs and X-Emacs
;;;       are incompatible. They use differnet binary code for
;;;       compiled lisp files and they have different builtin
;;;       lisp functions ... not only names of such functions
;;;       are different!!!
;;; If you need your own personal ~/.emacs
;;; please make a copy of this file
;;; an placein your changes and/or extension.
;;; Copyright (c) 1997 S.u.S.E. Gmbh Fuerth, Germany.  All rights reserved.
;;; Author: Werner Fink, <werner@xxxxxxx> 1997,98,99
;;; Test of Emacs derivates
;;; -----------------------
(if (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version)
  ;;; XEmacs
  ;;; ------
      ;; If not exists create the XEmacs options file
      ;; --------------------------------------------
      (if (and (not (file-readable-p "~/.xemacs-options"))
               (fboundp 'save-options-menu-settings))
      ;; Remember font and more settings
      ;; -------------------------------
      (setq options-save-faces t)
      ;; AUC-TeX
      ;; -------
      (if  (or (file-accessible-directory-p
                (or (and (= emacs-major-version 19)
                         (>= emacs-minor-version 15))
                    (= emacs-major-version 20)))
           (require 'tex-site)
           (setq-default TeX-master nil)
           ; Users private libaries 
           ; (setq TeX-macro-private '("~/lib/tex-lib/"))
           ;    AUC-TeX-Macros
           ; (setq TeX-style-private   "~/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/auctex/style/")
           ;    Autom. Auc-TeX-Macros
           ; (setq TeX-auto-private    "~/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/auctex/auto/")
  ;;; GNU-Emacs
  ;;; ---------
  ;;; load ~/.gnu-emacs or, if not exists /etc/skel/.gnu-emacs
  ;;; For a description and the settings see /etc/skel/.gnu-emacs
  ;;;   ... for your private ~/.gnu-emacs your are on your one.
  (if (file-readable-p "~/.gnu-emacs")
      (load "~/.gnu-emacs" nil t)
    (if (file-readable-p "/etc/skel/.gnu-emacs")
        (load "/etc/skel/.gnu-emacs" nil t)))

  ;; Custum Settings
  ;; ===============
  ;; To avoid any trouble with the customization system of GNU emacs
  ;; we set the default file ~/.gnu-emacs-custom
  (setq custom-file "~/.gnu-emacs-custom")
  (load "~/.gnu-emacs-custom" t t)
;;; XEmacs load options
;;; -------------------
;;; If missing the next few lines they will be append automatically
;;; by xemacs. This will be done by `save-options-menu-settings'

;; Custum Settings
;; ===============
;; Set custom-file to ~/.xemacs-custom for XEmacs to avoid overlap with the
;; custom interface of GNU-Emacs. Nevertheless, in most cases GNU-Emacs can
;; not handle unknown functions in ~/.emacs .. therefore ~/.xemacs-custom.
 ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
        (setq custom-file "~/.xemacs-custom")
        (load "~/.xemacs-custom" t t)))
;; ======================
;; End of Custum Settings

;; Options Menu Settings
;; =====================
 ((and (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
       (boundp 'emacs-major-version)
       (or (and
            (= emacs-major-version 19)
            (>= emacs-minor-version 14))
           (= emacs-major-version 20))
       (fboundp 'load-options-file))
  (load-options-file "~/.xemacs-options")))
;; ============================
;; End of Options Menu Settings
(setq scroll-step 1)
(global-font-lock-mode t)
(column-number-mode t)
(setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)
(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(setq default-frame-alist
      `((font . "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
(setq auto-mode-alist
      (cons '("\\.po[tx]?\\'\\|\\.po\\." . po-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(autoload 'po-mode "po-mode")
(autoload 'po-find-file-coding-system "po-mode")
(modify-coding-system-alist 'file "\\.po[tx]?\\'\\|\\.po\\."

 '(font-lock-maximum-size 1048576))

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