Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: wanted feature: Do-not-build-list

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: wanted feature: Do-not-build-list

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To: Freeciv dev list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: wanted feature: Do-not-build-list
From: Robert Rendell <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 10:39:37 +1000 (EST)

Jules Bean wrote:
} There is an underlying 'list of things to choose without player
} orders', isn't there?
} Maybe the right solution is to make this list editable.  It could in
} fact be a special case of a worklist -- and it lists things that
} cities which have no current project or worklist should try to build.
} Call it the 'default' worklist or something.

Certainly, make this list editable, but it doesn't quite serve the same
purpose as a "do not build" list, since it's global - you couldn't change
it to make a particular city never build coastal defense because it's on an
inland sea, for instance.

Also, I gather that once a city has been told to build from such-and-such a
global worklist, editing that list has no effect?  It would be nice (if a
bit tricky) to actually keep referring back to the global list when
choosing the next thing to build, so a player could edit the worklists of
many cities at once by updating their global worklists.  On the other hand,
it might not be sufficiently useful to warrent the effort (and might
actually allow players to stuff themselves up more easily)

                                                        Have fun,
                                                         Rob R.

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