Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] wanted feature: Do-not-build-list

[Freeciv-Dev] wanted feature: Do-not-build-list

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] wanted feature: Do-not-build-list
From: Gerhard Killesreiter <killesreiter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 05 Jun 2000 20:45:07 +0200

[I'm not on the list, cc me if you think I should know]


As much as I enjoy the recent features of freeciv, I am still missing
one: Worklists are lists for improvements and units to build. What I
would like to have are do-not-ever-build-this-lists.
I am only playing against the ai. My favourite setting is a huge
landmass (say 65%). No ai builds ships with this setting (it is
generally not a worthy competitor under this circumstances.). My
cities however insist on building coastal defenses if they run out of
worklist items. It is annoying to alway choose another item to build
if the city might have chosen something more usefull, say a
university, without my intervention. This might also be usefull if
your city is not on the sea but just on a lake.
The same is true for space structurals. As soon as I have the
capability to build them, every city builds one. Really annoying if
you are in the process of killing the ai anyway.

Please continue the good work!


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