Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Freeciv and a tournament

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Freeciv and a tournament

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To: Paul Zastoupil <paulz@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Freeciv and a tournament
From: jesdynf <jesdynf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:20:03 +0000 (/etc/localtime)

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Paul Zastoupil wrote:

> One of the key problems I see is identifying players.  It would be nice
> to have some sort of id for each client.  Maybe we could generate a key,
> and make servers aware of the keys.  This could be done easily on
> and then storing that key with user information
> (something non-invasive, a uid that they pick would be enough) in a
> database. Of course I wouldn't want the system to require
> so just keeping a flat file somewhere would be fine.

That's why I wanted to make it dependent on the metaserver. We can throw
up another metaserver if we want to; it isn't dependent on THE metaserver

A flat file with one line per game would work fine, actually. People
create scoring accounts on the metaserver, then the game is just recorded.

The results of the game could look like

Tourney             Ruleset  Scoring
FC '02 Semifinal    Classic  jesdynf 15, paulz 24, smeier 4.6e+22

Make the file available for download, and some simple Perl scripts could
provide any amount of scoring analysis you cared to see.

Privacy isn't an issue; each individual metaserver can have its own rules
about who can grab the scoring file. You could run a private tourney quite
easily; simply deny new scoring accounts, deny non-registered games, and
deny unauthorized access to the scorefile.
> the scoring right up until the end.  How can we create a "scoring"
> system that would reflect a persons skills better?  I like the idea of
> Victory Points suggested by jesdynf <jesdynf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, but I would
> like to see more discussion of it.  

I don't play enough FreeCiv to really say -- I still get whomped by the AI
-- but I will note here that the VP system could make or break the game.
You could easily encourage some very odd strategies if everybody knows a
checkpoint is coming; a proper scoring system shouldn't involve anything
where you say "It's 1999; time to set taxes as far as they'll go this

Asher Densmore-Lynn <jesdynf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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