Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Suggestion: FreeCiv on a Hex!

[Freeciv-Dev] Suggestion: FreeCiv on a Hex!

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Suggestion: FreeCiv on a Hex!
From: "Michael A. Rouse" <mrouse@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 20:51:04 -0700

There are two related suggestions I think would improve the appearance and
playability of FreeCiv. First, use a fractal terrain generator to create
the planet the Civs live on. Second, replace the square tiles and movement
with hexagonal tiles and movement.

Conceptually, the first suggestion could be accomplished by coding for the
triangular mountain fractal (one of the oldest fractal types, where you get
an equilateral triangle, randomly adjust the midpoints, draw an interior
triangle, adjust *its* midpoints, and repeat), combining twenty of them
into an icosahedron, and then warping the icosahedron onto a sphere.

Ok, I know it sounds difficult, but it is certainly possible -- I've seen a
program that does all that and more. Check out:

a website run by Mark T. Santesson. Download the program and try it out --
Aerth.exe is truly an excellent terrain generator. Add an algorithm to
erode mountains and place rivers and another to maximize vegetation where
there is plenty of sunlight and water, and you have an instant planet.
Unfortunately, Mark is now working for Dynamix, and they might frown on one
of their employees doing something for free (like show his code), but it is
certainly worth a shot -- it would raise the world graphics several notches.

The second suggestion grows naturally out of the first. Each data point
generated by the triangular fractal can be replaced by a hexagon (well,
except for the twelve corners of the icosahedron, but there are ways around
that). There are reasons that a lot of wargames are played on a hex, and it
certainly would be easier to figure out the radius of influence for each
city as well as where the optimum places to put several cities together.
Plus, you can add another tactical feature to battle -- if you attack head
on, you attack at half strength, attacking from the front sides make your
attack full strength, attacking from the rear sides add fifty percent to
your attack, and attacking directly from the rear doubles your attack
strength (or something similar).

Michael Rouse

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