Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] more realistic railroads

[Freeciv-Dev] more realistic railroads

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] more realistic railroads
From: Bernhard März <maerz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 12:28:42 +0200


first I have to say, that I'm not so long in this mailing list, so sorry
if I talked about something, allready talked here before.

1. Railroads are not simulated very realistic, I think (I know, that 
Microprose has used it in the same way).
In Freeciv, Railroads are build around the cities, to earn more
productionpoints. But railroad around cities, I think it's not realistic.

My idea is better to rename railroads into trams and then use trams in
exact the same way as railroads were used now. Furthermore, there could
be busroads. I belive trams were earlier used (and the building of the
lines need much time), later in time buslines were prefered (only need to 
build bus-stations, when the roads are allready there - it's faster to build).

Then we could realize railroads more realistic. Terrain with railroads must
not earn extra things in the cities (so no one build it around cities, like

Railroads should build only between cities (maybee between own cities and
cities of other players, too). Then there could be train-units (different types
depending on time of year), which will be able to transfer other units 
(like military) very fast from one city to an other city (to the front of
Furthermore, I think it could be able not only to transfer units, but also
transfer products (at least food and production; people too).
So if one citiy is build a world wonder, I think in real live it's normal
that other cities help building it. The people around such a city are going
to work there. And products (like wood, iron, ...) are moved in that city from
other cities by train.

What do you think about that idea?
(Really, I think railroads in freeciv are not realistic at this time.)

2. There exist the command "Go To" for units.
How about the commands:
        "Build Road to" and "Build Railroad to"?
(I think, you know what I mean)

3. In civilization from Microprose, there exist an option to say automatically
done, when all units have moved (only if in a round there are no units to
move, you have manually press that button).

Isn't that possible in freeciv, too?

Ok, that's all for now.



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