Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] How much is missing to make C:CTP clone

[Freeciv-Dev] How much is missing to make C:CTP clone

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To: Freeciv Dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] How much is missing to make C:CTP clone
From: Artur Biesiadowski <abies@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 17:11:30 +0200

I'm not sure how general feeling about CTP is on this list, but I find
it superior to classic civs in many areas - except, most notably,
diplomacy. But two main differences - combat (adding of stacks and
firepower adds another dimension to combat units) and non-military
special units are really improving gameplay.

I don't think that a lot is missing - I'll try to summerize missing
items here and maybe you can comment on possibility of including them.

1) Stacks - this includes movement (easy) and combat (hard, includes
positioning in ranks, firepower etc). This would require few new packets
(for group move/move request and for combat) and some additional logic
in server for resolving combat.

2) Stealth units - many kinds of them. I think that bitfield in
unit_ruleset indicating invisibility sight and second field for
specifying invisibility kind would do. Of course this requires some code
in server to validate visibility and to cancel moves if invisible unit
is spotted by stepping on it.

3) Trade based on routes/monopolies. This is nice option even for pure
civ2 - can be toggable independent from others. I'm afraid that it
requires a lot of code on client side just for displaying all dialogs
and trade routes correctly + more for handling logic.

4) Slaves. Quite easy I think, just a number indicating hom many
citizents are slaves and moditying food/gold consumption accordingly.

5) Food/gold/production expectancies from governments. A lot of coding
here I'm afraid.

6) Space. I think that we can safely ignore it.

7) Underwater cities. Shouldn't be hard.


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