Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-data: May 2002:
[freeciv-data] Re: Cities in rulesets

[freeciv-data] Re: Cities in rulesets

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To: freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-data] Re: Cities in rulesets
From: Miguel Farah <miguel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 11:41:28 -0400
Reply-to: freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx

 Thanasis Kinias [01/05/2002 11:31] dijo/said:
>scripsit Miguel Farah:
>>  Mark Metson [30/04/2002 12:39] dijo/said:
>> >I would think that the nation that *built* the city ought to be the one it 
>> >is listed with, and the name it was *built* with should be the name given 
>> >it when it is built. The fact that historically a city changed its name is 
>> So Buenos Aires would be spanish? Rio De Janeiro would be portuguese?
>That would be appropriate.  For that matter, all the Spanish-named
>cities of the former republics of California and Texas ought to be
>Spanish also.  Think of it in terms of a Freeciv game:
>The Spanish player starts building cities on a new continent, including
>one called Ciudad de los Angeles.  He screws up and gets a rebellion.
>Computer calls the rebel nation `Mexicans'.   Now the `Americans' (a
>rebel nation broken off from the English) use a combination of diplomats
>and riflemen to conquer Ciudad de los Angeles.  They then shorten the
>name so it doesn't cover up so much terrain on the client display.
>Isn't that pretty much what happened?

To a Spaniard, yes. To a mexican, the city was freed from its evil
oppressors, only to be taken by OTHER oppressors. To an american, it was
taken off its miserable existence and brought into progress. }:->

Then again, this presents a whole new set of problems: a city is lost to
rebellion based on its happiness, not on its name - if I have a
rebellion, and Los Angeles is happy and, say, Tarragona is unhappy, I'll
lose the second city.

Other problem is repeated names: there's Linares in Spain and in Chile.
There's San Antonio and San Francisco in several Latin American
countries. There's Santiago in at least five different countries, where
everyone calls its local city by that name and identifies the other ones
by a compound name (for example, Santiago de Chile is simply Santiago to
a chilean, and he calls the argentinian one Santiago del Estero, the
spanish one Santiago de Compostela, etc.).

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