[freeciv-data] Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Sail River: Next Step
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Robert Brady wrote:
> On 24 Aug 2000, Gerhard Killesreiter wrote:
> > * "Erik" == Erik Sigra schrieb am Thu, 24 Aug 2000 19:08:06 +0200:
> >
> > >> In principle, roads should have a tech requirement too.
> >
> > > That is OK with me.
> >
> > So, what tech? Bridge-building? Masonry?
> Road-building? See a prototype of the start of a new techtree at
> <http://www.wholehog.fsnet.co.uk/robert//techs.ruleset>
Speaking of tech trees, here is a tech tree I started to design a while
ago. It starts in the nomadic age, but players can choose to start in
the stationary age if they want to play more like they do now. The they
would get all the techs marked as nomadic.
It is far from complete. I started with the very earliest techs. In the
nomadic age, the unit called 'Family Klan' is the most important (and
only) unit.
Techs (knowls) should have different costs (not he same cost as now).
A civilisation should be able to loose knowledge they don't use or pay
to maintain, but that doesn't have to be implemented before or together
with this.
In the Nomadic age, Barbarians can be implemented as flocks of Wolves,
Hyenas, Lions, ...
#Nomadic (from the beg.)...Stationary (founding of the 1st village)
#@Horse Taming+
# |
#@Wolf Taming-+---------------------+
# |
#@Domestication+ +-Evolution-+-Dog Bre.+
# ++ ++
# +-Stationary Living+
# +--+ |
#@Agriculture+ +Construction
#@Org. Religion+Court+----+
# | |
# | +Code of Law
# | ++
# | @Writing+
# | |
# | +Mathematics+
# | ++
# | +Astronomy
# | +------------+
# +Astrology+
#@Boat Building-
history=_("A new species has just developed. It is called human. The
outer caracteristics of humans are for example their upright walk and
sparse hairing. Their neural system has a uniqe construction that allows
them to think abstract in terms of symbols, which is a requirement for
the spoken and written language, philosophy, mathemathics and art. Ever
since abstract symbol thinking occured, humans have had such things as
'fear of death' and 'theories of afterlife'.")
help=_("You now control a small group of humans. They may believe that
they control their own actions, but it is actually you who decide them,
because you control their spirit. Your task is to make them the most
successfull group, to make sure it is them who dominate the world at the
end of time.")
[family_klan] ;(unit)
name=_("Family Klan")
help=_("The player gets 1 (can be changed) family klan at the beginning
of the game. Family klans wander around hunting, herding animals,
burn-beating, fishing. Splits in 2 when its hitpoints reach 100%. Can
attack and exchange knowledge with family klans of other civilisations.
Family klans gets their food from a living space around their location.
This space has the same wellknown shape as that of a city. A family klan
that has exclusive access to klanterritorysize (14 at the beginning)
tiles barely survives. Any more will give a surplus and increase the
hitpoint each turn. Any less will decrease the health and possibly kill
the unit if the hitpoints drops to or below 0. When a family klan moves,
it will get the new tiles it discovers unless they already belong to
another family klan. You can redistribute the tiles among your family
klans by pressing 'r' when a family klan is selected, and then clicking
the tile that should belong to that family klan. If this causes another
family klan to get fewer than klanterritorysize tiles, it will be marked
with an icon so you can adjust that (by moving it or by claiming
territory for it) before the enf of the turn. Movement is inconveinent
because the family klans have to carry all their things (and their
children) with them, or they have to make new things at their new
history=_("The groups that first spread over Earth were 'family units'
of 3-6 individuals up to 'klans' of 25-50 individuals or more.")
[kennel] ;(city improvement)
help=_("Makes 1 unhappy citizen content. If there are no unhappy
citizens, 1 content citizen is made happy.")
[prison] ;(city improvement)
req2=improved_construction ;(?)
help=_("A prison reduces crime in a city and thus makes 1 unhappy
citizen (a victim of crime) content. Also, you no longer have to execute
your convicts, which reduces the number of executions in your
civilisation. This is good for the reputation of your civilisation.")
[temple] ;(city improvement)
help=_("This is the place where your citizens meet to worship their
gods, and keep their holy documents. Makes 1 unhappy citizen content. If
there are no unhappy citizens, 1 content citizen is made happy.")
help=_("Family Klans can burn-beat and grow crops, which increases their
growth rate so they split more often. The land can feed more humans, so
the discovery of agriculture decreases klanterritorysize by 4.")
help=_("Mathematics has given people a way to give a systematic approach
to their interest in space. They can leave the dark art of astrology
behind. But will they? No, not all of them. Astrology has grown far too
popular, and it is needed to explain the many things that astronomy
can't yet explain.")
name=_("Boat Building")
help_("The use of simple canoes and other floating devices lets family
klans use ocean tiles near land tiles. They can also move over such
tiles as long as they end their turn on land. This lets them colonize
other islands if there is <= 2 oceans squares between them and the
island from wich the family klan comes.")
help=_("The discovery of the bow makes your family klans and rangers
better hunters and warriors. This increases the growth rate of your
family klans so they split more often.")
name=_("Code of Law")
help=_("The first laws of your tribes may be carved in pieces of stone,
wich are then stored in safe places like holy caves, where the people of
your tribe may gather once a year. Later, in the stationary age, they
can be stored in villages and cities.")
help=_("When people from different klans gather to hold a court session,
they decide what should happen to thoose who have committed crimes. It
is neccesary that the clans have a common religion to understand each
others feelings, to reach a consensus.")
name=_("Dog Breeding")
help=_("Lets yor Cities build Kennels.")
help=_("When your people have settled, they find it worht the trouble to
make better housings for themselves (and for their animals), simply
because they will be able to use them for a longer time. Thus they learn
the craft of construction.")
help=_("Family klans can herd animals that give meat and milk, wich
increases the growth rate of family klans so they split more often. The
land can feed more humans, so the discovery of domestication decreases
klanterritorysize by 3.")
help=_("By watching the wild species, the tame horses and wolves, the
meat and milk animals, the crops, and ourselves, we can unveil the
secrets of the evolution. This important fundamental discovery gives the
first civilisation to unveil it 2 immediate advances.")
name=_("Fire Making")
help=_("Better food and protection against wild animals increase the
survival of your family clans and thus their growth.")
history=_("Fire can keep wild animals away from the people during the
dark nights. It allows people to cook the food so it becomes easier to
eat. Humankind has used fire for about 5 to 600 000 years before they
knew how to start it on their own. Before that, they only had access to
natural fires caused by lightning and volcanic eruptions. They may have
tried to keep the fire for as long as possible, but if it went out, they
had to do without it. They learned to start their own fire in
help=_("With javelins, people no longer need to base their hunting on
close combat and raw strength. This increases the growth rate of family
klans so they split more often. It also increases their attack and
defense capabilities against hostile family klans.")
name=_("Organized Religion")
help=_("The fear of death has always made humans develop theories about
what happens after the death. Until now, each tribe's schaman had his
own version of religion. With the advance to organized religion, the the
members of your civilisation unify to a common official religion with
ceromonies for weddings, burals and other important moments. A common
religion makes it easier to control the tribe as a political unity.
Believing in such tings as eternal rebirth, or the existence of blessed
lands waiting for us on the other side, can give relief to the
desperation and constant fear that comes from living in this harsh and
hostile world. It gives the people curage to survive and makes the men
brave and determined when fighting against hostile family klans.")
history=_("Among most cultures in the world, these 3 questions have been
asked:\n.1. Why must humans die?\n2. What is death?\n3. Where are the
dead (or their souls)?\n1. Some say that it is the order of the world
that humans must die. Others say that humans were ment to live forever,
but that something disturbed that order. This is given various
mythological explainations. Others say that humans have made a wrong
choice and breaken a rule, and thus lost the right to eternal life.\n2.
Some believe that the soul leave the body. Some believe humans have
several souls and that some of them leave the body.\n3. The common rule
is that life somehow continues after death. Some say that humans live in
an ideal world after death. For example, the North American Indians
believed in the 'Happy Hunting Grounds', the greeks believed in the
'Elysion' (might be a remain form pre-greek religion on Kreta), and the
Germanic believed in 'Valhall'. Some say that humans 'gather with their
ancestors' when they die. Some believe in a gloomy 'land of death', to
which everyone comes. The Babylonians called this the 'Land of No
Return', the old Israel called it 'Sheol', the Greeks called this
'Hades', and the germanic called this the 'residence of Hel'. Others
believed that good people were separated from evil people. The former
got pleasure and the latter got punishment. Some believe that the dead
rest in their grave untill the final day (islam).\n\nThe reason that
religion is such a strong phenomenon is the human refusal of accetping
the extinction of the own conciousness.\n\nIt is known that even the
Neanderthals buried their dead. Studies of sculptures and paintings from
late-paleoliticum makes it likely that hunting-magic and schamanism
existed at that time. Traces of animal and ancestor worshiping has been
found from neolithicum.")
name=_("Stationary Living")
help=_("Enables family klans to settle in villages (which become cities
when they grow). The founding of the first village triggers the start of
the stationary age.")
help=_("With the discovery of textiles, your people can get better
clothes than the old furs.")
history=_("Textiles are known since neolithicum.")
name=_("Wolf Taming")
help=_("The extra food from hunting increases the growth rate of family
klans so they split more often. Their attack and defend success against
hostile klans also increases.")
history=_("Tame wolves are the best helpers a man can get. They can help
with the hunting for food, they can help attacking and defending against
hostile family klans, and they can stand guard through the dark
help=_("Writing lets you for example leave messages for your family klan
> Robert
- [freeciv-data] Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Sail River: Next Step,
Erik Sigra <=
- [freeciv-data] Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Sail River: Next Step, Erik Sigra, 2000/08/24
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Michael Kiermaier, 2000/08/24
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Erik Sigra, 2000/08/25
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Michael Kiermaier, 2000/08/25
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Erik Sigra, 2000/08/25
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Michael Kiermaier, 2000/08/25
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Erik Sigra, 2000/08/26
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Michael Kiermaier, 2000/08/26
- [freeciv-data] Re: family klan & freeciv techtree (was: Sail River: Next Step), Erik Sigra, 2000/08/26
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