Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: February 2003:
[aclug-L] OT: Tivo forsale

[aclug-L] OT: Tivo forsale

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] OT: Tivo forsale
From: Michael Osten <mosten@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 25 Feb 2003 10:22:25 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

This is off topic, but I thought someone would here might want it before
I ebay it...

I have a 14 hour tivo that has never been registered that I'd like to
get $120 for.  Its complete with all manuals and remote/ir cables.  I'd
be glad to spend a few minutes with the person buying it to show them
how to upgrade the storage (I have a diffrent one that I upgraded to 80
hours, very easy).  

I also have a tivonet adapter and card for $60.  This allows you to get
all tivo updates via the web, export programming off the tivo for
encoding to diffrent format, controlling tivo functions via the web,

Person can pick up in Madison, Kansas 66860 and I will help with
upgrade/tivonet installation, or I can deliver when my schedule permits.

Contact me directly please.

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