Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: July 2002:
[aclug-L] Re: ACLUG Website - which way to go...

[aclug-L] Re: ACLUG Website - which way to go...

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: ACLUG Website - which way to go...
From: Anne McCadden <ironrose@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 14:49:11 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

You have a nice website and it seems to run faster than the notwerks 
site.  Does it or would it have a feature for a help desk database or 
the ability to post ads that people have for sale.  Those were some 
features that the notwerks site has the capability to do.  Tom and I 
were talking about utilizing some of those features.  Now that I am not 
going to be working with the Second Saturday Sale, then I have some time 
to work on a project that has more flexible hours.

Someone with the Second Saturday Sale suggested that I pay the $2 to get 
in the door and be available to answer linux questions as a volunteer 
during the sale.  I said no thanks.  I felt like saying something like a 
snowballs chance in hell.  ~Anne

Dale W Hodge wrote:

>Tom Hull and I have had some discussions on WebDev on which direction to take
>the new Aclug website. In response to his challenge, I've set up a
>proof-of-concept site at which I have dubbed
>Beta2.  The original Beta1 site is still at .  I
>challenge our members to vist both sites and provide us with feedback on what
>you like or dislike about them, their ease of use, and what features you think
>are missing.
>Dale W Hodge - dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Vice Chairman & Secretary - info@xxxxxxxxx
>Air Capital Linux User's Group  (ACLUG)
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